
I love how Groot is now in his early 20's body builder phase.


Song: Spacehog - In The Meantime for those wondering


Im not ready for whats gonna happen to Rocket 😭


My juvenile self laughed out loud at Drax throwing the ball 😂 I’m sad this is the end of an era and this is the perfect trailer it didn’t give anything away like most trailers nowadays.


Gunn is the master of balancing tones. This looks phenomenal!


The fact that everyone is so sure Rocket is going to die 100% confirms he's going to live.


This movie is going to make me cry. I love Guardians of the Galaxy, and I’m sad this is their last movie.


Can't believe it's already been 8 years since the first movie. One of the best parts of the Infinity Saga. It's crazy that this'll be the last we see of them. Need to start preparing my heart from now😔


I’m so happy to hear In The Meantime by Spacehog in this trailer. It was one of the best rock songs of the 90s and now a whole new generation will hear it! 😊


When Groot said “It’s time to dance” was my favorite part!


This looks fun but at the same time I can tell that the movie will be emotional, we saw Star lord crying for something and some needle with blood. Damn it Gunn! You gonna make this movie fun yet dark aren't you.


Scared to watch this but also cant wait 😭😭😍😍


“In the Meantime” by Spacehog is the song in the trailer if anyone is wondering.


Man the feels in this trailer


when groot said "It's Grootin' time" it gave me chills


Groot looks like a Lego Bionicle figure now 😭


Omg Adam Warlock looks so good 🤩


I literally only listened to this song for the first time ever yesterday. Crazy timing!


Starlord’s suit!!!! It’s so clean!!


this is going to be *insane*!!!