
49:30 Glad to see Alisson appearing in the sensitivity analysis! I tried to convince Fran to go for it on our pod. Great pod as always, Sertalp ❤️. 🐟 was a great guest


Great watch. Trout is proper funny.


Second cutest FPL couple after Dilksy and Anthony


Watching now. Love Bas, but it's good to see two analytic kings on WC. Hit the button on Sat after deadline not knowing what others would do, so very thankful for this timely content and sense check. :-)


Great pod and great guest 👏

Let's hope the Naa-land wildcard pulls through 💪


Amazing pod and guest!


Always looking forward to the podcast. I would like to see clean sheet probabilities




Nice video. Great guest


First time watching, great stuff 👍


Great stuff 👏🏻


Just a quick one- isn't haaland not it the ev models because of the blank - wonder what it is up till that game week


Fantastic 🎉


Great pod! What FPL extension are you using with the projected points?


Great video. How do you set Transfers to "no" in Review? Can't see anything about it


Nice video :) do you both have a plan to get Haaland back in GW11?


What's the difference between squad and lineup


Is there a place you can use  james solver?


good stuff boys


Enjoyed this pod cheers. Why the fuck do you have the same team though? Play your own game, no need to hold each other's hand.