
If musk and gang receives the proper security vetting the concern would be abated.


The Eric Adams affair is and will be scandalous, but like so so many other Trump scandals, it .won't make a whit of difference to his cult


I'm deeply concerned about the impact of the current financial and political crises on our well-being, particularly the power struggle in the US. Investing in crypto trading has been a game-changer for me, earning at least $14k weekly. However, I strongly believe that having diversified streams of income is crucial in these uncertain times.


I have already voted. I agree with you, Michael. We need to upgrade an aging system. It’s extremely important to guard the privacy of all Americans. Where is Congress?


Straight-up ethical question: First Do No Harm.
Risk to citizens demonstrably high for mostly theoretical benefit.


I don’t blame the Governor for doing setting up those meetings. With half of the prosecutors resigning I think she’s got to do that.


Privacy concerns should outweigh just about every thing.


Looking at the last two weeks of Smerconish's daily polls I'm struck but the contrast between most leaning against President TRUSK so far, and the one on Feb 10th, "If the 2024 presidential election were re-run today, would the result be the same?", which is much more evenly split.


The reason achieving both privacy AND efficiency is not possible (and it should be!) is because it’s government.  It was expensive and inefficient getting govt systems established, and operating for decades, and it’ll be the same unwinding it.  Government, no matter which party, can’t do it without massive $’s and collateral damage. Pathetic.  We are better than this.


So DOGE now has access to information that . . . a bunch of people I don't know already had access to?  This will not stand!  This is a political group trying to find a reason to criticize their opponents.


Yes, it should be a concern.


Many government agencies adopted computers early but when they got newer computers rather than redesigning systems they rewrote them to mimic the old systems as closely as possible. I know because I worked for contractors tasked with those jobs.


Sure, the acting commissioner doesn’t wanna be embroiled in the mess from others.


So illegal


@MichaelSmerconish are you ready for DOGE to put in AI software in the IRS - how safe will the data remain when AI decides who to audit and prosecute?


Yes! Always


It doesn't have to be one or the other: you can undertake reform responsibly. Of course, you'd need both houses of congress and the presidency... Oh!


More of a sinkhole


NY Attorney General can prosecute.  That would be epic.


Yay! Found take two!