It’s good to see you happier these days Anton. You seem to have taken a scientific approach to healing your trauma. We are proud of you. Thank you for sharing real magic with us. Even through your troubles a few years ago, you always showed up for us.🥰YOU are a wonderful person!
I love it when Anton talks about Ellyians
"CAME HERE FOR ALIENS, STAYED FOR SCIENCE" Put that on a Tshirt please!
love how you got rid of crack pots in the first 5 minutes of your video :) TY for talkinhg about Neutron Stars today :P
i just wanna say i love these compilation videos, theyre the perfect thing to put on while my wife sleeps
i hope anton is having a nice time in japan, these compilations are really nice to listen to while studying and playing minecraft
I love Anton's sense of humor!
99.9% sure it's not aliens. So you're telling me there's a chance. YEAH!
Wonderful as always Anton. Thank you. 🫡😊
Love my new T shirt! Made me very happy to receive.
It's a space lighthouse for interstellar travel...
Alright... if there are aliens, don't you think they would take one look at us, lock the doors, roll up the windows, and gtfo of the neighborhood?! Lol
News article "Anton says there is a tiny chance it's aliens."
I leave youtube open for 10 minutes and when I come back, Anton.
Really good topic. Neutron stars are the most interesting objects from which we can get data. I think more interesting than black holes as well. Not just because we can observe them, but because of the potential variation among the population. Black holes only gain mass and don't really evolve, at least on human time scales. Good stuff Anton!
Three hours of neutron stars? Dont mind if I do!
so lucky, 3 hours!??!?! yess
One day it's going to be aliens. One day.