
Now this is the other half of Dustin people who are getting to know him need to see, the elite level boxer he is, not just the integrity and character


Dustin is probably my favourite fighter his defensive skill using the shell in mma was pretty much never seen before and hes made it work in his style


Forged in fire. Diamonds are forever 💎


Diamonds are forever💎


My new favorite song ❤️👍🎵love this


Damn. Great tribute. Love the song choice and editing. Keep up the good work.


This is awesome!!!


Yeeees, Dustin Wins


Gotta love the diamond


Fight the good fight!!!!


Bad Ass!!


I like this! love the part that says "bloodline lullaby" hehe, that's one of my faves of all time, it makes me feel safe ^_^
My boyfriend loves the UFC, so I kinda know who this is; I like this video too!