
I think this is the only guy who can do 8 hour streams and keep it nonchalant


this is the first time i heard sypher swear


Watching the pros use the pump and dump is gonna be crazy


Sypher you can swap how you shoot the pump and dump shotgun in settings. Hope this helps


Respect for not using simple edit 🗿


5:21:23 I think bro got a little mad 😂


I was watching this when it was live but I had to sleep early :(




yeah the only way Godzilla will be remembered is the memes and hatsune miku


Bro handeled that better than i would 😂


He was streaming when I was asleep in spring break 😂


Finally bro doesn't scream into the camera


sypher I am reppin the 54 year old deejays using all your tips. Me and the Dad Squad are your Reservoir Dogs!


Yo I already have the secret skin


You doing fncs this season


Is reload going to reset rank


You're my favorite YouTuber


reload four shots with the pump and dump before you can reload one with prime


its going to take sypher a while to make this video of the new update in season 2 🤣


"Old man aim" definitely a thing lmao