7:18 This is a goat Shot 😮
I left this game half of year ago😢😢 I tried to play this game for I month but I didn't get fun like before😢😢
Bar95 and AK77 is the best combo that's never DESTROY 😉
0:52 yes broke It 😅❤❤
OG player with great gameplay ❤️❤️🤩
I stopped playing maggie from the last 6 months😢
U can tell when a person playing on pc how the characters move in game in specially in blood strike 😭
00:29 (M4 with sniper) (Vector with M4) the reason i dont do ak77 is that they take WAY TOO LONG to reload 😅
7:21 oOoOO 🔥
Dhamalastic 🔥
Hacker hai bhai hacker hai :whistle-red-blow::whistle-red-blow::whistle-red-blow:
My favorite gun combo is m4 and BAR-95 And my favorite character is maggie☺️
Fenrir and UMP are my current season guns 🫶
My fav combo is bar95 and ranger
Bro. We want a tips and tricks video soon
My best combo is bar95 and ranger
Bro fadoo i am feeling bored sometimes because u r not doing live stream 😢😢