
Finishing Discovery of Witches...just in time for another trip to Waterstones! Also, I did not know that Babel was your entry into fiction. Totally converted me into a fiction addict too!


Thanks! Also recommending Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers, the detective story set at women’s college in Oxford.


I love how you actually nailed the definition of dark academia. So many “bookish” content creators get it wrong. 

There is a difference between DA, Goth or a book that is set or base around a school. Just because a “body” happens doesn’t make it dark academia


I loved the Historian. Also the Physick book has a sequel. I also loved Juliet by Anne Fortier. A girl gets a mysterious key when a relative dies and somehow it is connected to the 13th century and the story of Romeo and Juliet with lots of investigation into past history of her family.


I watched the first season of the discovery of witches back in 2019. I was finishing high school and was really confused about my future, trying to balance my passion for science and inclination to humanities. I looked up to Diane Bishop as a historian of science and started thinking about a career in academia. So that’s how I found your channel in 2019  via youtube search ‘history phd’ :)  Clicked followed instantly and have never regretted


I read curious tides a few weeks ago and it was absolutely magical. The characters go to a college for magic based on moon phases and the mc has to try to figure out why her best friend died the year before. The writing was stunning


You know me so well haha.  I've added it to my TBR and I am going to buy it as a reward if I make it through the week without yelling at anyone. 😂


Master' s student of anthropology here 👋I've been watching your study videos and have enjoyed watching them tremendously and got some good tips. And now I came upon this video. I was so happy you mentioned Babel! I read that maybe last year and I loved it so much! It had themes that I am really interested in like colonialism and racism (which is actually one big theme on my master's dissertation). I also loved the magic in it especially because I love studying languages as well. That book really made me think of the question of the book's other title "The necessity of violence". Babel has definitely became one of my all time favourite books alongside The Lord of the Rings and the Farseer Trilogy. Edit: I can also recommend a book/series that is kind of accademic in a fantasy way. That is Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett.


The Secret History remains one of my favourite books I have reread it a hundred times


Some years ago, I stumbled across Barry McCrea's The First Verse and can highly recommend it. I wasn't aware of the dark academia genre back then, but it definitely fits the vibe: A young student starts his studies at Trinity College in Dublin and is introduced to a mystic group that practices divination from random books, which is a concept I never would've thought of but highly enjoyed as a bibliophile. In a way, it is a bit like The Secret History, except it's way less triggering (I wasn't aware of the trigger warnings before starting Donna Tarte's novel, just trusting the hype and ended up not enjoying the book very much...) and it has an element of magical/fantastical realism that makes dark academia books all the more special in my opinion.


Babel is my favorite book! It's incredibly written


I am currently reading if we were villains. Theater students and Shakespeare. This is one that is regularly recommended besides the secret history.


I read Mona Awad’s Bunny over the summer. It was SO Yale-coded and a bit hysterical.


Have read and have loved all but 2 of these books/series, so happy to see them being recommended by you! Big shout out from St Andrews ❤


Love your videos Kaelyn! I have some dark academia recommendations:

The Scholar and the Last Faerie Door by H.G. Parry (coming out in 2025 and set in a magical version of Oxford)

The Bequest by Joanna Margaret- set in Scotland & Italy

The Maidens by Alex Michaelides- set in Cambridge

The Fortune Seller by Rachel Kapelke- Dale- dark academia about the Yale equestrian team 

Happy reading!


Love The Historian! Should have Book 2 for that


Great recommendations. Just got into dark academia. Really enjoyed Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. Also heard good reviews on A Study in Drowning, although I haven't read it myself yet!


Loved this, thanks Kaelyn!


Love love love the book content 😍


Dark academia: I can highly recommend A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee and A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid :) Greetings from an English Literature girl!