
While the study was groundbreaking, some critics raised questions about alternative explanations, such as whether the infants were responding to perceptual features (e.g., shape, motion, color or position of presentation) rather than social behavior as well as the initial small sample size. 

To control for potential biases related to color, shape, & position of presentation (right side vs left), the researchers counterbalanced the roles of the Helper and Hinderer across participants This means that for some infants, the blue square acted as the Helper and the yellow triangle as the Hinderer, while for others, these roles were reversed. They also randomized the order & side of presentation of them to control for both lateral & positional biases. 

Follow-up studies addressed these concerns by controlling for such variables, generally supporting the original findings. Overall, the concept of early social evaluation in infants is widely accepted, but researchers continue to investigate the underlying mechanisms and the extent of these abilities. See links below for references:

๐Ÿ“š Original paper - Social evaluation by preverbal infants:

๐Ÿ“šHelpers over Hinderers - hill climb appraisal proves to be true:

๐Ÿ“š Infantsโ€™ Social Evaluation of Helpers and Hinderers: A Large-Scale, Multi-Lab, Coordinated Replication Study:

๐Ÿ“š 3-month-olds show a negativity bias in their social evaluations:


They should have switched the roles of the shapes to ensure that appearance wasn't part of the child's selection process.  I would have chosen the triangle even if I hadn't seen the presentation


Could that possibly be due to colour though as yellow is a beautiful bright colour and rge others grey.. just a thought


It's a God given trait...


13% of 10 month olds are just like "I just want to see the goo goo gaga burn"


It's part of the soul by the grace of God.


So now there is grounds to try them as adults?


Very interesting. Any analysis on the 13% of 10 months olds who chose the hindering character?


Its a part of humas that are born with a complete concususness..
The 10month study should show the Psykopat/Narcist/etc decrepency in humans, that does not have a comple concusness and picked the blue cube.


What I appreciate about thoae experiments is that they're just a long way around to God gave us knowledge of right and wrong from our conception.


Why did it decreased


I think the characters should be different in shape but same color; shape of a hand, shape of a ball, shape of a star. That way there is no bias.


This is a brilliant channel ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ


How about if they are left or right handed.


The baby might be right-handed and chose whatever her right hand could grab ๐Ÿ˜…. Also yellow is a brighter color than blue.


I probably would have chose the triangle because of the bright color (yellow).


Did they try to change the colours and shapes?


Good video btw, hope my first comment did not get auto deleted by YT


There are certain children who likes colours too. Colours can be factor in their choices too.


4 moth is a lot of learning time from parents tho. its us Adults destroying the future ;-(