
One of my grandma's favorites. I remember as a kid in the 1960s listening to her singing along to this on the radio.


My precious 93 yr old Grandpa is singing this song to me tonight and I’m so happy😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️


RIP Tater.  You were known as "Little" Jimmy Dickens, but you were a true giant in Country music.  


As a young boy about 10 yrs old in 1977 I lived with my grandparents and when I hear this song, I am immediately transported back in time… I miss them and those times so much! As I listen to this song right now, I can smell the fried chicken and potatoes my grandma would always make. I will meet them in Heaven, love them so much!


Heard this song on Northern Exposure. Probably the best show ever made


My grand father really liked this one.  I will never forget his laugh.


Took me back 70 years to the basement of my gramma's house, where my dad used to play guitar, all 20 of gramma's FosterDayCare Kids and myself singing along, into the furnace! Grammar always said she hated that song, but I'm sure, now, that we made my mom, Grampa, and even Gramma, laugh with us! THANKS for the happy memories!


Mr. Jimmy Dickens met me while I was in Nashville, visiting at the Opry. He shook my hand and welcomed me like I was the best thing that ever walked the earth. Now, Tater, you're the angel we'll all look for when we pass through those pearly gates. Rest your weary bones sir you deserve it.


My Grandmother, rest her soul, would refer to that song when us kids got restless waiting for supper...


Love this song…childhood memory..


This song has always been a part of my life! I grew up with this wonderful country music!


I spoke with Jim once before he died . . . for an hour lol. He loved to talk and what a character! <3


My dear and recently departed stepfather used to sing this song to me!  Miss him...


My Grandfather loves this song and he suggested I listen to it ,and I did, and I like it...


My father used to sing this song to us to get us to sleep...not realizing it was keeping us awake...

On the other hand, it meant that I knew about Little Jimmy Dickens long before I ever heard about, oh, those four guys from Liverpool, or that guy from Memphis who swiveled his hips...


Father in law always sang this song and then giggled . Miss him dearly ,and all his little didi’s he sang .


between this song and sleeping at the foot of the bed... this was my childhood


I always love hearing Tater's singing.


Remembering: Little Jimmy Dickens - (December 19, 1920 – January 2, 2015)
Birth name: James Cecil Dickens
Birth place: Bolt, West Virginia 
Place of death: Nashville, Tennessee (at 94 years old)


Happy 94th Birthday, Jimmy Dickens!