Fun Fact : Brookhaven was supposed to be a creepy game that’s why it has so many secrets
15:28 this reminds me of another creepy story I heard a while ago. Basically the story is about a little girl named Annie, who got a dog for her birthday. Annie had a very strict mother, and one day she broke one of her mom’s favorite plates. Her mom was so mad at Annie that she FORCED her EAT her own dog alive. I remember hearing this story a couple years ago, so I don’t remember every detail. There is a game on Roblox about this story called, “4nn1’s place.” I recommend you play it and make a video about it. Edit: Apparently she was so mad, she grabbed a fork, and tried to kill her mother, but that didn’t work out. So then she set her house on fire, with her mom still inside.
Fun fact, Brookhaven was actually gonna be a horror game but instead of turning into a role-play game which is watch a bit of horror secrets
For red corridor, you actually have to stand in the monsters way and leave so that when you join another game the red head will follow you and that is because getting killed by the monster automatically equips a red head under pets category so it will follow you around.
for the ones who don’t know who the ghost is it is Mr.Brookhaven and he is claimed to be dead but he is still alive but not to be shown in the game because people think he is dead but he is not dead
The bending thing and the note were apart about mr Brookhaven. He's also the guy from the painting in the museum. There's a whole story about him and fun fact he's the founder of Brookhaven. I'll tell the story now, Mr Brookhaven was an old and wise man that had a horse named Philip. He found a town called Brookhaven when he was 53. But suddenly a war happened. The town was destroyed and Philip was killed. Mr Brookhaven after the war was crying in his house. But he heard sounds that were loud across the town. And he got attacked and he was killed. His house still roams around the game somewhere out of the city. But his Brookhaven sign was gone and the top was broken off. But still the bakery roams and will keep the secret in its place. And at last the sign Is used for reviving Mr Brookhaven. But I'm not sure how to do it so I'll cya when I know how to. Byeeee😅😅😅😅😅😅
Brookhaven was supposed to be a scary game that’s why it has so many secrets. Tysm for 1 like
My son saw this video and tried the myths, and found another. It's a secret entrance to the brookhaven bank vault, he is a big fan of yours, his name is Oliver Q-M
Pov if frown finds Caylus’s adress and goes to kidnap him: Caylus:Huh? Frown: Im watching you >:) Caylus: You know i can see u from here get out bro
Brookhaven was supposed to be a horror game “that’s why is got spooky,scary secrets😢”
Make this the top comment so a sussy bot. Dosent YoooooOOOOOO SO MANY LIKE TY edit 2: omg mum I’m famous :)
here’s a little background on the first myth. In fact it’s not just in Brookhaven. In fact it’s in other games as well. The reason for it is because of the Diddy accident or you don’t call an accident in his eyes what it was is Diddy and Beyoncé teamed up and win against the person that sell the song she knows and Diddy actually built a tunnel going under his house, and Beyoncé knew about it because Diddy was trying to kill the person that sang the song she knows did he went to jail for having a tunnel underneath his house the reason the song that man song is called she knows is because Beyoncé knew that Diddy was trying to kill him, but he didn’t know that he was trying to kill him. He’s just new Beyoncé knew something and the person that some of the song she knows and Beyoncé had a connection somewhat and they were starting to get to know each other but then Diddy told Beyoncé what was happening and did he killed that person no one knows to this day but he is dead and he doesn’t know if diddy killed him
I like your videos 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 the creepy videos. I’m not scared.
Anyone watching it 2025
"So Kitty Cuties walked into a room downstairs and saw her mom EATING......that's messed up" W line right there! 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
What’s that below the red head 😂😂😂 2:36
2:07 baby sigma💀