
I like how the emergency monster laws did literally nothing to keep the werewolves away from the people


They took their entire costume budget and put it into that prawn mascot. A good choice imo


If the werewolves are just dirty teenagers, then that means the "epic battle" at the start of the movie was settlers finding inexplicable kids in the forest and deciding to slaughter them.


the fact that we still don't have a zombies 3 video a year and a half later is devastating danny please


Honestly I find it hilarious that Addison's character arc through the three movies is forcing her way into whatever the most prominent group of outsiders are at the time until one of them sticks


Zombies: segregated 
Werewolfs: colonized and had their precious resource stolen
Addison: platinum blonde
(Somehow these are all on the same level of oppression in these movies)


The “danger” of werewolves is barely explained in the movie. They’re called “Bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders.” But they aren’t much of a danger. They don’t physically attack anyone. They also look human. All they do is howl, show off their glowing yellow eyes and sharp teeth and live in the “Forbidden Forest”. The only illegal thing they do is to sneak into school at night, which has no consequence, and no one seems to know about it.


danny im begging you to finish this trilogy, please i cannot force myself to watch the third one for closure 🙏🙏🙏


Addison truly gave “on all levels except physical, I am a wolf” in this


I love the fact that the only thing that differentiates ‘normal’ humans from ‘horrible monsters’ is hair color. Like if a zombie just puts on a wig and a some makeup they could probably pass as human.


danny calling the werewolves „outdoor teenagers” made me CACKLE


okay but zed's little sister is so adorable. and the way he includes her in, like, everything he does? i didn't watch the movie itself, but from the clips of it in the video they seem to have a very familiar relationship. i love that. usually in movies the mc's younger siblings are shown as 'annoying' and are hated by their older siblings, so it's nice to see one where it's different.


Gotta love how in a universe where zombies and werewolves exist, the only thing they could add for addison being different was that her hair was white


First kurtis with the indoor boyfriend, then Danny with the outdoor teens, now all we need is drew to make the underground parents


"bonzo is not allowed to prawn" i love this sentence. it is a perfect sentence that should have 100% on rotten tomatoes


6:20 Is there a reason why the bus driver doesn't even touch the brakes during all this? It's not like Zed popped up around a corner. He was visible for so long that, not only did people in the back of the bus see him, they had time to recognize who he was. They are very clearly on a straight road. Even after hitting him, the bus driver keeps going, foot firmly on the gas, even while flying downhill through a forest.


Danny's "ADDISON HELP IM GONNA FUCKING DIE" is actually terrifying. He did a better job voice-acting than most of the characters.


Addison reminds me of this guy at my school who once did a DNA test and found out he was like 2% Italian. Literally his entire personality changed to revolve around that and he became obsessed with pizza and pasta and started to use "Italian" hand gestures constantly in random conversations.


I love that Danny’s sticking with the “I’m __” naming convention for this series even though at this point it makes no sense and would be really confusing for a new viewer


Maybe the bus driver would have seen Zed in the road if he wasn't WEARING THE MASCOT COSTUME WHILE DRIVING