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Aaron Doughty talks a lot about this idea. That by looking through the lease of “wanting something that you don’t have” you’re instilling the idea in yourself that you don’t have that thing (skill, trait, behavior etc) which just fill the mind with this belief of “I am not” whereas if you focus your attention on “I am” it just reinforces that identity in yourself.


7:25 I find that this happens with certain words. "Ignorant" just means to not know of something, but people think it means being an asshole. "Complain" is when you talk negatively about something, but people hear it as "bitching". 

How do you deal with people who add their own meaning to what you say? I try and tell them my actual meaning, but they're sure they're right about what I meant and won't let me explain


I really avoid using social medias, actually the only one I use is youtube in a specific range of time, and you are between the 4/5 people I watch. So I want to share the fact that I'm grateful for your ressources keep it up :)


Interestingly what you've described as your reality algorithm is something that has been studied. When I researched mushrooms, I found out that they basically let your brain "log out" and form a new algorithm. That's why microdosing can be largely effective for people who have PTSD and other mental illnesses. You can essentially "forget" that part of your algorithm


I realised this late...
I put in so much hope and expectations but things kept straying away from me.

That's why I have decided to be UNBOTHERED! and just do my stuff


I was riding horses just for fun because it was my childhood dream. I’m not athletic at all and never enjoyed sports. Maybe because of it my body was so shocked that I finally started doing something that my figure improved drastically! Really people would ask me how much time I workout when I didn’t! I used to ride horses for 2 hours once a week. My abs, biceps, legs were so toned. No one believed me, especially those who spent 2 hours in the gym 3-4 times per week. I think that’s exactly what you’re talking about. When people are so focused on the result even their bodies get so used to all these activities and stress that they don’t improve as so much of emphasis on the end goal becomes mundane.


The teaching in this video is exactly what I needed! Keep it up Cole!


Desire is an agreement with yourself that you will remain miserable till you achieve🙂

-A Legend


Results take time. You should continue to work hard no matter what. You'll definitely get places in life once you do.


I know one thing for sure, my new algorithm will include this channel 👌


And a teacher appears right in the moment you are ready. Thank you 🙏


Thankyou Cole for another breath taking video full of postive widom
i have been thinking about this recently too
that building the infrastructure nessecary like building nice physique, getting mentally healthy, praticing socializing & making good friends
& being that person attracts that energy it's already become your subconscious identity i feel
than it becomes your reality


For days I‘ve been annoyed by my YouTube algorithm and started thinking about how to align it more with what I really want to see unfold in my live. And now look at this. Thanks for sharing this video.


The scary part of standing on a ledge of a tall building, it's not worrying that you'll fall off, it's actually the fear that you might want to jump off.
What scared me is that I really wanted to do it. The greatest beauty i've had is dying. I don't care anymore whether I live or die. I accept my death. I will take the entire Universe with me. There won't be any suffering because I'm taking you all with me.


I’m on a metamorphosis myself and your channel is part of my journey , thank you so much


Jordan Peterson said in one of his lectures that the world reconfigures around your goals and aims and if your life isn’t going well is because you have the wrong aim. I think the “reality algorithm” is what he was getting at and you giving your example and applying it in your own made it click in my brain so thank you bro, keep up the great content!


I have to say, you are the first YouTuber that really resonates with me, I now actually understand what to do and how to move forward. Thank you


Would you agree and say that it’s about not needing but still doing…


I've been watching your videos a lot recently. I like the idea of shifting to body-weight exercises. That's exactly what I do. I don't care about looking jacked, but I do want to be functional. For the past year I've been only doing exercises I can do from home. It also takes the stress of traveling away, because I know I won't have to rely on a gym.