Timestamps ⤵️ 11. Kit 0:36 10. Gale 3:33 9. Darryl 6:52 8. Lily 11:45 7. Shelly 15:20 6. Cordelius 17:43 5. Moe 19:38 4. Buzz 22:17 Top 3.. 🥉 Maisie 24:40 🥈 Surge 28:02 🥇 Kenji 31:25
0:19 Zolo showdown 🗿🗣️
Hey snakethug i watched all of your videos and you convinced me to become a surge main, thanks for all your content!
Snake man merkt wirklich das du ständig versuchst deine Videos noch mehr zu optimieren vor allem im intro mit den soundeffects und alles finde ich echt toll wie viel mühe du dir dabei gibst!!!
0:19 editor is trolling🗿
0:01 yes hank is in the top 10
13:40 moe synced perfectly with the music
Oh a top ten brawler video It must be like ten minu-
You make the best brawl Stars Videos :)
Solo Showdown ❌ Xolo Showdown ✅
The maisie glaze is crazy💀
1:05 Kit is NOT a she bro😭🙏
Most people didn't notice, but 0:02 has zolo showdown. Most people only saw 0:19 as the earliest one
snake playiing on main i like it
16:53 that surge shot tho☠
5:41 "Moe is very um unhappy about our existence" 👌
Erste ich liebe deine vids Snake ich finde dass du besser als sniper bist kein scherz ❤
I used to be a teamer but because of snakethug I'm not teaming anymore and I even managed to eliminate 3 wintraders because snakethug's videos are motivating me.
This video came out 2 minutes ago, but I can confirm it’s good guys😊