
Any other great value pieces of gear I forgot? Let me know!


Filmmaking definitely isn't the cheapest of hobbies to pick up so appreciate this video like crazy. The water bags are a genius invention kudos to whoever came up with that!


I love that you still posted it with the focus issue! Your videos are always helpful too. Thanks...


Love these gear videos because I know you've put this stuff to the real-world test. Every piece of gear that doesn't make us more efficient just bogs us down. Thanks for sharing your insights, Luc!


Luc, just wanted to take a moment and let you know how much I appreciate your videos.  Please, don't ever stop.


I find it interesting how every filmmaker has their own opinion about what gear is the best and what I should be buying as a noob. For example, the previous video I watched about what gear I should buy and what I should avoid had those magic arms at the top of the What To Avoid List.


I lost a lot of multi tool cause I forgot to take it out my camera bag at the airport! Thanks for sharing a great video


Scissors that actually cut 😅😂😂😂

Btw those aperture LED magnetic lights have absolutely saved me on many shoots throughout Hollywood


Fantastic tips, and super validating, since as an experienced photographer / novice filmmaker, I have a couple of these already.  This is not only a great group of suggestions, it helps build a mental inventory of the kinds of tasks and problems a small or one-man crew will need to address.  Big Ups.



This so reminds me of something a buddy told me a few years ago. He's a sailing enthusiast and his observation was:

"Owning a sailboat is like standing under a shower of freezing cold water tearing up $100 bills..."

Boyz and their Toyz.

Great reminder that not all gear needs to cost more than your neighbor's Tesla. Particularly love the suggestions about lighting options and the CA bag. I tend to keep all my odds and ends stuffed into the front pocket of my camera backpack. Just ordered the bag. I'll have to budget for the lighting tools. Next month ;-)

Many thanks for another really terrific and helpful video.



Another great video. You may have solved my 5-year search for the perfect travel light stands. Thanks!


Hey! just came over your channel and after a few films i love the vibe! I really appreciate the honesty and it seems like you actually give honest tips worth listening to without the sales stuff! Keep it up!


some very useful pieces of kit informative 14mins. Thank Luc.


I'm always looking to find cheaper gear that's a good investment. Thanks for the video!


There is no need to apologize for the video, what is perfect is always bad - This work is informative and interesting.


Add these together = over a thousand dollars 🤣 just thought that was funny after the Amazon cart intro. Super good assets in here, good video.


Thanks for this video. Loved the cutaways! Very engaging.


The MC Light is so great. It magmatic and i used it inside fume hoods. Because they are magnetic i could stick them everywhere in the hood and still could control them when the hood was closed (we shot a documentary and an instruction video in a laboratory with real viral samples so the hood had to be closed after the sample had been opened). Saved my life at this time :-)


just found your channel a lil while ago good stuff man its motivating for me to see someone with struggles and highs and lows in filmmaking. love your stuff man


LOL I subbed! Great video. Plus I love how you said - eff that! I am not reshooting that out of focus scene! hahaha. Looking forward to the next one.