
Hi Wes, I'm going to put myself in the role of a subscriber who follows your channel. I write a comment under your video and look forward to a personal response from you. Knowing that a bot is responding to comments, I no longer feel valued as a user. This is not meant to be derogatory, but it shows the direction in which social media is moving. The human aspect is being eliminated in the age of AI. Not a beautiful future, right? How do you personally see this? Besides that, I love your videos and your course, which has helped me a lot with bubble.l0!


How does the bot handle abusive or inappropriate comments?


Hey does this feature still work? I recently purchased your plan and the ai just replied to all comments by saying “on it”


Wow! I had a feeling that was coming. Thank you Wes


Is it possible to set the bot up so that it responds to comments under channels of other people?


Face reveal?


Man, i'd rather receive no response to my comment than one from a bot 😂


I am planning to do Google's Gemini API Developer Challenge, but I know nothing about coding, will the course on your website help me complete the challenge?

(We basically have to use the Gemini API to create an app, then submit the app and a 3 minute recording of an explanation of the app).


Can I use this for multiple YouTube channels? Selecting a different agent for each one?


Without disclosing the comment is ai generated, you’re being intentionally deceitful. I hope anyone who uses this gets called out immediately. Hate everything about this.


 excellent job some TT automation:
post scheduler, follow/unfollow, auto liker,  but post scheduller would be the better one


If you give the AI access to your YouTube account aren't you in danger of having your other settings changed or hacked?


Hey Wes, i'm curious when you'll create an Instagram comment responder?


Did You respond to the comment I made in YouTube also !!!! Ha And how can I just pay for all six months now !!!


Now i know when you reply or AI replies because you like it or love the comment and then reply but you didn't on my last comment on your context video!

Doesn't feel as special now! :(


Hmmm. Not sure how i feel about that one though. That means you will not reply personally to your comments, it cuts off a little bit of value... 
You know i love your appz, but that one not sure! 

Cherrs Bud (please, next one, MAKE vs Twitter reply) lol. 



Bots replying to bots