I'm an undergrad at uchicago and I was literally walking to my apartment super confused that day. realizing it was rob made me laugh so hard
This channel is turning into Rob geeking out over bonkers instruments. And I'm 100% behind this.
Rob: So do any of these chime on the hour? Joey: Ye- All the bells: ANOTHER HOUR OF OUR EXISTENCE HAS OCCURRED, SUFFER AS WE SING THE SONG OF OUR KIND
random notes ring out across Chicago Locals: "Looks like Rob's found another instrument."
Mad respect to this guy, his ability to hold back and not rickroll everyone is beyond me.
This was probably one of the most genuine “interviews” I have ever seen. This was so much fun to watch.
So inspirational to hear about Joey making a brave decision to pursue this art over his engineering career. He seems very happy. Safe to say he probably made the right choice. What an incredibly talented and charming human.
So cool that you played For Whom the Bell Tolls on heavy metal bells!
"So do any of these chime on the hour?" "Yea-" 9:57
Teacher: "You may bring you own instrument to school tomorrow" Joey Brink: "Yes"
Imagine being in this town during the recording. You’re just going about your day then suddenly the church bells start having a seizure for half an hour before you hear them stop and then start playing for whom the bell tolls
That Carillon guy seems so happy about his business, his happines just channels out. One of the coolest things I've seen, thank you Rob for discovery and YT tour
"So, do any of these chime on the hour?" BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG
"Do any of these chime on the hour?" Bells: Deep inhale
Rob never realized that rain was composed for Carillon. it's so beautiful.
Rob went from playing instruments to playing buildings
“I play the guitar” “I play the violin” I play a building
Usually when you learn an instrument you only annoy family members... now you annoy an entire community lmao!!! So epic!
The man who played the carillon is so beautiful. His confidence in his ability to to play so fluidly is so mesmerizing