I have tons of theroies like this. One of my favorite was i believe there was a reincarnation of Finn and Jake before the 1000 year gap in which we got introduced the other reincarnation of Finn and Jake, Beth and Shermy. Also I'd like to point out that every reincarnation of finn generally had a purpose, the comet being welcoming a new era, the butterfly leading bubble gum to her brother, Shoko who was supposed to be a knight of bubble gum but got in with the wrong crowd, Finn, who was there to make up for Shoko's lack of loyalty, and now Shermmy. a fun creature that wants to do pranks and look at the bright side where the world is at it's darkest. Maybe the reincarnation was something peaceful like when Finn was a glop of slime, but who knows.
We don't know that humans went extinct. There are probably still viable populations somewhere on earth, just like when Finn thought he was alone.
It shows that even without our main characters or casts, things that would happen happens, conflicts between civilizations, people still occurs. Just because the greatest threat to all life is vanquished doesn't mean that people will start to love each other, life goes on.
The only reason I doubt the theory about a second war between humans and rainicorns is because just like Finn probably acted as a bridge between humans and candy people I'm pretty sure that Jake and Lady Rainicorn probably would've done something if a situation like that occurred. I also don't think that Princess Bubblegum's first instinct would be to go to war with the rainicorns to protect the humans considering her friendship with Lady Rainicorn even if they tried to attack them but she also wouldn't overlook the humans being in danger considering her friendship with Finn. I'm a bit more inclined to believe that it may have something to do with the weather changing into something dangerous due to the change in the magnetic poles of the earth after so much time. potentially causing natural dissasters and forcing Princess Bubblegum to create the Prize ball Guardian to protect everyone and with Jake's dog/alien/rainicorn hybrid descendants being the only ones able to survive naturally in that environment. And we can see that there's always a gloomy weather with what seems to be almost permanent rainclouds, so I think it would make sense for something like that to happen.
I suppose desolate is a good word for how Ooo turned out but I always felt like it had a more... abandoned feel to it. So not so much something bad happened but just, everyone moved on and left that poor old used up world.
I actually came up with the beginning of a story detailing the cause of this. Basically, the whole reason Ooo is this bright and colorful place is because it's being sustained by the planet's irradiated core; it's irradiated because of the nuclear war. At a certain point, the core's half-life comes to an end and it stops being radioactive; in essence, Ooo's magical heart stops beating and it starts returning to the blasted wasteland it was immediately after the war. I also introduced plot points like PB and Marceline traveling to an orbital station to continuously monitor Ooo's degradation and Simon Petrikov transferring his consciousness to AllMO's system to create a fused intelligence called S.P.A.C.E.M.A.N. (Simon Petrikov AllMO Cerebrally Entangled Mental Amalgamation Network), but that's not really important here.
Honestly I would kind of love a spin-off spiritual successor to Adventure Time starring Sherme and Beth
Something of note: in the intro, we see the former candy kingdom has a strange device blasting off from the ground on what looks like a tether or pole. That is a space elevator, a theoretical space launch device that would massively aid in the launching and returning of spaceships. We see it in use in the title, which means that at the very least there is at least automated space exploration happening. Maybe the inhabitants of Ooo found a better planet and are now living there instead? Also, with the future we see being 1000 years in the future, it’s also possible that the world is just running out of magic. I know the rules of magic within the canon of Adventure Time aren’t well known, but it would make sense that, if the current world is a result of the massive amount of magic set off by the Mushroom Bomb, it’s also possible that that magic would dissipate or be consumed over time.
AT is my comfort show. I love it so much. Once they come out with more or a spin off I'm gonna cry happy tears.
I fully blame Pb for the dystopian future. That girl loved messing around with other people’s lives and was too proud to admit when she messed up and refused wouldn’t fix it.
just realized something, the betty AI is still alive in the crown. meaning that she probably still has some influence over the ice thing and gibbon since both of them have part of the ice crown. or maybe even gibbon took control of AI betty and used her to make changes to the crown.
I feel like what happened was that there was a great war between the humans and the inhabitants of Ooo. Idk what caused them to fight but it mustve been a diplomatic problem and it just got out of hand from there
I can’t get over not knowing how finn, and jake passed since their after life title card shows their skeletons together. It just sucks knowing Ooo is now a gloomy husk of something beautiful, almost represents growing up.
well since the dogs n' such kinda took over afterwards, this is just my guess its possible everything WAS "mostly okay" until finn had gone and died, but the many tensions between the seemingly innately magically powerful beings vs the technologically advanced humans(and probably magically restricted in many philosophical and psychological ways) so my thoughts are that, while the humans brought many real tangible technologies for everyone to use either it be because the inability or in-affinity the humans had to Ooo's crazier magic, the jake decedents(and probably other rainicorns too) would've likely just had only a slightly better understanding about the other side(and won out due to essentially attrition, which could even explain the desolateness of the future) it's just a theory, but I feel like it should be emphasized that even in the show, finn is rAther strange among HUMANS for having such great affinities to magical abilities and artifacts(I would attribute this to his direct isolation from human culture, but that is a little bit of the point already) no matter the lore explanation given between certain episodes, what we see is that "humans" in any timeline are considered the "normal not magical" equivalent of a multitude of things(including most especially the farm world timeline people, who I always thought were kinda weird) finn most often being the exception to this idea, the finn sword being I think the most egregious example, and even IN farm world he's the soul person to actually obtain access to and consistent use of the crown(heck even simon died in his use of it in this timeline)
Is it a wasteland though? Yeah it looks kind of bad between the Lemonhope returning episode and the Graybles, but we also know the final episode's framing device also takes place a thousand years in the future, the same time period. So we know between these, yes the Candy Kingdom is gone with all its citizens living in a giant gumball guardian*, which the new duo tries to trip, we see forests and such as Sweet Pea as a giant in the future is walking through. Marceline's cave house is still there, and BMO is still around and going by the King of Ooo title. There is a dog kingdom, which looks to primarily be the descendants of Jake. Looks like his alien eldritch physiology had a permanent impact on the genetics of this line forming their own species. But honestly given the badlands of the main series OOo it seems most their world was already desolate and Bubblegum was the one mainly behind terraforming the badlands into new *food themed kingdoms. But she stopped doing that. So let this mutated world follow its course, chances are like the dogs, the humans ended up intermarrying with mutants and a thousand years later there are no more humans because they mixed with more magical and weird species to make new species. Or some could have left Earth as we saw others did in the past like the humans who became the "elves" in deep space.
Human back, Mushroom war again. Easy.
Great video man! Super concise, and well put together. 11/10 :)
Imagine, tho, all the fanfics that this ending can lead to... All the future incarnations of fin and jake, their adventure, the changed of Ooo, new characters and maybe old ones. This is gold for fanfic and self inserts, Fionna and Cake is a grain of sand compared to the shear amount of possibilities. And. I. Love. It
when finn and jake died the world crumbled till the 1000 year gap where he's reincarnarted as shermmy just having fun with jakes reincarnation beth