My grandma types at a 120 WpM. Not just on any keyboard, but on a typewriter. She's a beast
“put fingers on f and j key“ My natural position:“w,a,s,d”
The impressive in this guy is that he's really inspiring and also funny af
Typing is really hard, and it's all about practice. I was lucky and started typing at around age 5 to beat my brother, and by the time I was 8 I could type around 90 - 100 WPM (not including numbers, I still suck at those.) I think the fact that I learned when I was pretty young implanted the muscle memory into my brain, and now I can still type at around 100 WPM. But seriously, getting from 40 WPM to 90 in just a week is CRAZY. Good job!!
I actually got faster at typing by surfing how to type faster all the time
Tips Mike said to improve your typing speed are: 1: A good sitting posture 2: Hand position ( fingers on F and G key) 3: More focus on screen 4: Keep your arms up instead of resting them 5: Practice for 20 minutes and then rest for 5 minutes 6: Use ' Ctrl + Backspace' for deleting the whole word 7: The more you practice the faster you get 8: Be consistent and don't give up. Thanks.
This is the first technique he learned, that I could pull off already. Now he is better than me
I literally get late 90's over about 1 year to 2 years of practice. Great job of achieving 95 in just a matter of weeks!
I’m probably a nerd, but I learned to get faster at typing because while I play online games people trash talk me so to keep up with the trash talk I passively got faster at typing.
When you are typing a joke in the group chat before the topic changes.
I actually can feel his happiness when he reached 95.🙂
If this guy ever makes a resume, "I can learn" skill would be at top.
It's always funny when Mike suddenly remembers he's italian.
Him: I am trying to write fast. Me after almost 5 years of typing commands in minecraft:
It took me 11 months to increase from 20 WPM to averaging around 95-105WPM. I only used typeracer to improve, nothing else. And I’m actually happy I’m able to type much faster now
Mike type really fast but not fast as he getting subs... Mike is my motivation for Youtube
“How I learned to type 90 words per min” Me: cries in 26 wpm
"I randomly remembered Im italian" house is full of spaghetti
Sei incredibile, già che parli in ogni video in inglese mi sorprendi ma soprattutto, mi fai capire che se ci si impegna tutto è possibile, grande Mike!