Guitars made out of coffins? That's metal af.
Don’t fear the reaper, he’s a djentleman.
The scariest part of the video was watching you running between trees and falling with that axe. I thought you were going to break it.
You know what would be fun? Use the same guitar both times, and let the "guitar tone freaks" go nuts about the difference they "hear"
Let's talk about tonewood! What could possibly go wrong!
Scariest part is watching him stumble through the woods holding a $1000 guitar!
We needed a brittle lo-fi black metal mix to really hear the difference in tone, Rob.
Last time I saw hands without bodies playing was on "One" Played on One Guitar haha
You really are one of the most creative guys I know ha ha!!! Awesome video and a pleasure to haunt you sir \m/ Tone wood
And then there's the most haunting thing. The price.
That was the happiest most peaceful pre death jingle ever and I loved it
7:45 legit jump scare, it got so silent I turned up the volume to hear the ambience sounds but damn that was a mistake lol.
Happy Hallowood 👻
7:28 that riff is beautiful!!
The scariest part of this is Rob running through the woods with his guitar.
Rob Scallon: Awesome musician, performance artist, entertainer, and one hell of a funny guy! 🤘🏻
8:03 I never knew Rob's laugh could be scary. He has the jolliest laugh ever. And also, I thought the guitar with the rosewood fingerboard sounded slightly brighter.
5:14 and 5:26 when your guitar is more important than your own life (always)
If I may say something about the fretboard wood effect on the sound : I'm an Engineer in Musical Acoustic, and when I was working in a lab few years ago, there was a student doing his PhD on the effects of the mechanical parts of the instrument on the sound (focused on solid body guitar). And in all of this, he ordered a dozen of guitars, especially made for his study, with all the same specs except the wood on the fretboard. He made some perception tests : People with trained ears (mostly experienced guitar players) were asked to play (blindfolded) or to listen to records of those guitars (which were only differents by their fretboard woods) and they had to tell what differences they perceived in the sound. They had to try to guess what caused those sound differences. Most of the answers were about pickups. But it was in fact the fretboard wood. I personally did that test and I can assure you that the fretboard wood has its impact on the sound of the guitar. Actually, I was very surprised when the student told me, afterward, that the only differences between each guitar was the fretboard. Anyway, cheers mate ! And if you're interested, and If you are able to read french, I can give you a link to read that thesis.