You need to watch the: •Nishinoya foot save •Kageyama setter dump •Kenma setter dump Also the old man is the person who taught hinata shoyo about tempo in s2 ep6
It's pretty difficult to watch these clips without any context, watch the show from the beginning and you will definitely appreciate it more. Worth the watch on your down-time.... In spite of people hassling you about looking like a character from the show.
You should absolutely watch Haikyuu. One does not simply just watch Haikyuu, and not want to play Volleyball. The storytelling, and animation is wonderful. It reflects EVERYONE’S unique story, and captivates their experiences surrounding Volleyball. This creates a sense of relatability to its fans, and adds another layer of depth to the anime. The morals and ethics of the series is simply eye opening, and can be applied to life inside and outside VB.
I hate how he doesn’t know what so going on bro I cried when I watched this part😭😭JST WATCH THE SHOW
Seeing these without the context and buildup that went into making these moments meaningful in the first place is insane bruh 😭 But for context, the one where the guy wasn't able to mofe to pass the ball was because they were towards the end of an INSANELY long game with fatigue at its highest, and that fatigue was a major aspect of the game in fact. His legs wouldn't move because he was dead tired and fighting against it, that's why. But again. Haikyuu's strength is absolutely in the power of story arcs, in paying off amazing buildups. So, all the amazing moments in the show just aren't going to mean much without knowing all the work and character that went into making those moments happen. The plays look epic on their own, but without that context, it's lost on you, and you can really tell. It's definitely worth seeing, since it's a story that really pays off in amazing, emotional ways, but if you're going to watch it, it's worth going all in and seeing the actual episodes.
Haikyuu is an anime where you dont even have to be an anime fan, nor do you have to play volleyball, to enjoy it as a fan. To me, its a gateway classic to the Sports Anime genre. Haikyuu gives somw of the BEST backstories for some of the most random ass xharacters, that you wouldnt even expect to get one. The music is top tier, and so is rhe Sound effects as well, and just the overall chemistry every, single, god, damn, character, has. Is beautifully written, and meshws very well together! Im a new subscriber for sure, i would love to see you fully react to Hikayuu!! and witness what a joy it is, and how it never fails in taking massive Ws writing wise
Definitely watch the full show if you can. I will say that I was a bit skeptical for the first couple episodes, but it only gets better as the show goes on. All of the characters are very well done, super likeable, and have great character development. There's a reason that everyone (including myself) wants to start playing volleyball after they watch this show, I promise it's peak.
10:17 yes they're brothers, they are twin.
i'm a very realistic person and i also love haikyuu to bits which is why i can confirm a lot of haikyuu's best moments mean so little when you don't have the context. While some scenes have great animations and you can watch certain matches' final rallies chopped to only see the action it will never feel the same as having seen the whole thing and GETTING it. Haikyuu's story telling is masterclass and only goes from good to amazing with each season. definitely watch the whole thing
Bro the pronunciations are diabolical 😭🙏
I'm excited to watch your reactions :) I always love to hear what volleyball players and coaches have to say about the characters on the show and also the dynamics between them
14:26 that’s his older sister…..
Man...I just loved your reaction. How quick you pick up on little things and your commentary. It's amazing. I hope you'll love the series. I'll try to keep up
Y'all, like this video. Christian NEEDS to watch Haikyuu.
6:35 Pretty Romantic XD
"Sports goggles abt to go crazy"😭😭let tsuki liveeee
"walking with your bro under the sunset kinda romantic" 😂😂 He not lyin' though!! Unknowingly uncovers one of the most popular ships on Haikyu😂😂
The show is SO GOOD I've rewatched it more times than I should have and Its so hype every time. The show got me into Volleyball a few years ago and now I'm already on a college team. It really get you motivated to work really hard yourself by the way or at least that's what effect it had on me.