If this message find you, the universe wants you to forgive yourself, stop judging yourself and let go of anything negative you are holding on to. The universe has your back and is working on your request, just believe and flow in your day to day like a river... sending warrior strength and universe love 🙏
hope that who ever sees this, receives a wave of radiant health, wealth, and joy! Sending Peace, Love, and Reiki to all 🥰
If you‘re reading this, remember you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream!
If this message finds you ,I hope that whatever bad feelings, anxiety, depression , paranoia or anything else is gone when you wake up. Have a wonderful day,night, evening or morning🥰
For those who keep scrolling on the comments like myself, It's time to go to sleep or meditate if that's what your here for. You're loved you're cared for the universe has your back. ♥️♥️♥️
If you are reading this then know that now is the moment to drop the fear you have been feeling. You are protected and guided in what is coming. Release the fear into the nothingness and step away from it. You will be fine. Amen. God bless anyone who needed to see this.
the people in the comment sections are the people i need and i want to be with in my life. just spreading positivity and attracting high frequencies everyday. Bless you all with light and abundance.
To anyone reading this, there isn’t another soul out there like yours. Let go of what you’re holding onto and shine ☀️
You are worthy You are strong You are loved You are powerful You are peaceful
Hello! I'm not sure if anyone is reading this, but if you are: it doesn't matter where you are on this planet right now, I wish you a wonderful day and a happy, peaceful life where all your dreams come true. You are amazing and beautiful! Remember, this is just a phase, so hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!
If you’re reading this, it’s never to late to start over and become the person you want. Don’t be scared to show your voice, because everyone should hear your ideas and thoughts, not only you. Have a good night sleep and wake up ready to change the world❤️
three minutes into the video and i started crying. our bodies hold so much pain. i just want everyone on this planet to know that their worth is limitless and every single soul deserves a happy life. wishing you all healing and abundance, and to return to your inner child who is patiently waiting for you to feel pure, innocent joy once again.
It’s nice to see I’m not the only one struggling with myself, my mind, my crippling anxiety. Goodnight wonderful people, may tomorrow be nothing but peace and love.
I’ve been listening to this every night for the last 2 weeks and it’s literally changing me on a cellular level. I’m drinking less, I’m eating healthier by choice, I’m less stressed. People that were toxic in my life have kinda left me alone and it feels really good! I’m doing a 30 day challenge to see how it raises my vibration and I already feel the changes! Oh and I’m more motivated and have a clearer outlook on my future and what serves my highest good! Give this a go! 10/10 ✨✨✨
If you are reading this, Believe in yourself. You are already born whole. Each experience you go through is cocooning you to remove layers to reveal yourself. Go through the pain of change. It's alright. Through this transformation you will see a new you. Let goooo... Exhaleeeeeeee....... 😉😉
I needed this at this present moment. Not just the vibes from the music, but also the comment section. It is filled with positivity. It’s so lovely to see.
Stop the scroll And pat yourself on the back. You're here. You made it. You're doing the work. Untangling the unconscious thoughts that linger on and healing through it all. Don't stop. We need you. The universe needs you. You're mind, body, and soul thank you from the highest love frequencies. Be well. Be you. Be vocal. Be everything you want to be. You are whole. You are worthy. You are brave. You are complete. You are amazing! When we learn together. We heal and grow together. Keep going, keep growing. The destination is your journey ❣️
this comment section is as healing and as beautiful as the music. not one negative remark in sight, all love. i love it. this is how it all should be and will be for me :thanksdoc: much love to everyone here.
I am fighting a fight of my own and all these beautiful comments are just so beautiful and overwhelming!!May the force of God be with us all!!!