
Not many people comprehend how amazing Ridley Scott actually is, and how truly disheartening will be not having him around in 20 or 30 years from now.
A true master.


Absolutely loved this man's work on The Martian. Thank you for the wonderful interview.


Would’ve liked his insight into Ridley’s use of multiple cameras and its challenges to lighting a scene, versus a single camera approach to the lighting. They do great work together.


One of the shorter, but more informational episodes. loved their origin story


The Fan (1996) is a highly underrated Tony Scott film.


Thank you


Let's not forget that Dariusz also directed Eminem's Stan


Didn't realize Ridley Scott was a southpaw.  Yay, leftys.


I would've loved to see what Dariusz would've done with BLADERUNNER.


Это хорошо, что парни знают о Андрей Рублёв.


Of course Ridley Scott would love Andrei Rublov


This dude sounds exactly like Tommy Wiseau! Only difference is,  Wolski is inteligent and actually talented😂


Ridley made a huge mistake not working with John Mathieson anymore ...when Wolski took over he fuckt up his movies .


I’m pretty bored by the long lensie- close upieness of their recent films.