Absolutely loved this man's work on The Martian. Thank you for the wonderful interview.
Would’ve liked his insight into Ridley’s use of multiple cameras and its challenges to lighting a scene, versus a single camera approach to the lighting. They do great work together.
One of the shorter, but more informational episodes. loved their origin story
The Fan (1996) is a highly underrated Tony Scott film.
Thank you
Let's not forget that Dariusz also directed Eminem's Stan
Didn't realize Ridley Scott was a southpaw. Yay, leftys.
I would've loved to see what Dariusz would've done with BLADERUNNER.
Это хорошо, что парни знают о Андрей Рублёв.
Of course Ridley Scott would love Andrei Rublov
This dude sounds exactly like Tommy Wiseau! Only difference is, Wolski is inteligent and actually talented😂
Ridley made a huge mistake not working with John Mathieson anymore ...when Wolski took over he fuckt up his movies .
I’m pretty bored by the long lensie- close upieness of their recent films.