
A lot of their drama could be solved if they just texted eachother instead of setting up a camera and recording a whole dramatic podcast


I just want to reiterate: This could've all been resolved over a phone call. Grown ass women, bro


Rosanna catching flack for bringing it up like Tana doesn't bring up random drama to feed her podcast every week...


I mean this in the nicest way possible, has Tana ever enjoyed herself? Like every single event, really anything she only and always has the most negative time and always has a million things to complain about afterward. EVERYTHING.


i think Rosanna is just tired of tana getting away with slandering people for content, and tana doesn't realize when she exaggerates for views on something so public, she's ruining reputations


Can we stop pretending like people haven’t been smoking the ashes of their loved ones as if it hasn’t been a part of different indigenous cultures across the globe? Rosanna isn’t the first person to do it and she won’t be the last to post online about it. When someone honours their deceased loved ones, can we at least have the decency to leave them alone? Even in hip-hop and rap it’s a rule to never disrespect the dead.


So Tana can make all these comments publicly about Rosanna, but when she does the same, it should’ve been handled in private? 
I’m glad Rosanna is standing up for herself. I think people are just used to her being “meek” and unproblematic.


"smoked dead parent's ashes" is a LOT different than smoking weed grown from soil w their ashes in it
rosanna isn't smoking her dad, jesus
plus tana and them talking about the law regarding weed, even tho we all know they like to play on the ski slopes. playing on the ski slopes has a higher penalty than smoking some weed bruh


Tana should be more mindful about how she words things because she has a massive platform and people who are involved in whatever she is saying can get caught in the crossfire for no reason.


Trisha saying ro seemed “possessed” is soo funny coming from the woman that would make like twenty videos after being triggered by someone.


Cannibalism? More like cannabisism! 🍃


If Tana never mentioned her she wouldn't have felt the need to "defend the crew"


Rosanna snaped....shes human. shes not crying on a kitchen floor insulting everyone....shes not pullin shit out her ass to make a story entertaining and ruining peoples reputation. If they dont forgive her for this how did we forgive them for everything else they've done.......


I feel like people were being stupid bc I knew what Rosanna was saying. She said she believed her but it’s hard because you have lied and exaggerated the rest of the video. Another thing that bothers me is that Rosanna and Joey stood up for Tana against Hannah when the last escape the night drama happened but now she’s acting like they’re terrible people like no??


I'm sorry but with how much drama, controversies, and hate Tana & Trish are in, I am surprised on why people choose to believe whatever they say still. They overdramatize the fuck out of anything that happens to them


Trisha saying “why are you inserting yourself in a podcast that you’re not even evolved” annoys the crap out of me. You guys were literally taking about her. Yeah, you guys didn’t out right say her name, but the entire Internet knew who you idiots were talking about. I also find it fascinating that Trisha says she’ll never make fun of someone’s dead parents, but she more than willing to mock of JonBenét Ramsey death.


Rosanna’s always been unproblematic. She’s just standing up for herself. 

As for Tana, it’s fair to take her seriously on the sexual harassment claims, but come ON people she’s always been rude, shady, messy, and a backstabber. She’s not a nice person


tana didn’t have to go out and say this in public, but ofc she wanted to start drama


Trish and Tana are giving mean girl energy. I can’t stand listening to them talk. Kudos to Rosanna for standing up to the their narrative!


So Trish can insert herself but Rosanna can’t? And Trish defending Tana against Rosanna EVEN tho , Tana has been known to exaggerate in the past for the pod. Tana ofc didn’t deserve any of this but don’t attack the whole team of hard working people just for clout /exaggeration. I agree with this.