
As a 34 year computer training veteran, I find your videos to be very well done.


I just popped in to say I don't really use Outlook, but wanted to thank you for all the excellent, professional, and immensely helpful videos you upload regularly. If it's not a product I use I still always try to send the link to others I know that do, because you are that good.

Have a great 2024, sir.


You do amaze me: it takes me so long to understand  how to use part of a piece of software and then you come along and understand it totally and are ready to move on to version 2... lol ;  much success to you sir...


HI, I just wanted to point out that the ability of not being able to move your folders made most of us switch back to the old version. it's absolutely mindblowing how this feature has not been implemented yet.


Thanks!! I'm learning so much about using the new outlook from your channel. I'm even starting to see how some of the features (like rules) are easier to understand and use in this new outlook compared to the classic


Me gustó mucho, gracias.


Wow, i came here to see how to mail to groups and found a LOT more!! Thank you ever so much.


Very informative, thanks for putting this together! Any tips how to collapse or expand if you sort inbox by name? Likewise to collapse or expand group by date like messages for today, yesterday, etc?


this video is the best of all the videos I searched for doing my productivity training to my team , thanks much!


Absolutely fantastic1 Thank so much.


Great overview without wasting time.  A 10 second undo is not nearly long enough.  I have a 2 minute delay on everything and I go back and edit so often that  the inability to delay has kept me in old Outlook.  I will look into seeing if there’s another efficient way to do that.  The Quicksteps reply with meeting is awesome and I’d like to be using that.


This really helped - also loved the quitting email 😄


I will appreciate this insight!!
I use outlook since it came out and just turned on the 'NEW' switch a couple of months ago. I use outlook to conduct business with my firm and several of the short line railroads and  rr affiliated businesses and companies. This video will help me to make my emails more professional and eye-catching as we are involved in sales and installation of ultrasound rolling stock wheel, break, and bearing detection platforms.
Most helpful information and all it cost me was a little of my time.
Thanks and good day


Thanks for all the tips and tricks


Oh wow. What a great video, clear lessons perfect delivery. First time seeing you but biy am I not sold. Thank you so much for this


Thank you Jaime ... your videos are so easy to follow and clear. Thank you again !!!!


Thank you!  This has been extremely helpful!


Outlook is still the industry standard for Gov't and big corporations, but it is so dog on slow as sloth in handling emails. 
Great video and tips.


Thank You for such a great video 😊I need to keep learning from you