
0:24 It’s you or nothing ! 😌☝️❤️🔒


Necessarily, it's you or nothing
I can't think it twice
Sofri, Sofri, you love me gently
I'm in this for life
Oh, as I walk through the valley of the shadow, I fear none
Oh, it's your body for my body
It's your spirit for mine, yeah, you all
I want dey scream, I come dey shout like I'm losing my mind

I want it, oh, I want it all for me
Oh, you're the only one. You are the only one for me

How do you like me? Say it
How do you want me? Tell it
It's critical, I need your confirmation
All of the lines I'm writing
All of these thoughts I'm spilling
I need you bad
I need you, it's not for options
You're my only option
Oh oh, as I walk through the valley of the shadow
I fear none
Oh, it's your body for my body
It's your spirit for mine, yeah, you all
I want dey scream, I come dey shout like I'm losing my mind


I stubbled on this song on someone's status on Facebook, immediately I searched for the song,it's been on repeat since on Friday last week which was the day I downloaded it
I Love your songs, they're a pure expression of Love,the father to me and me to the father
I told my sister that I'll play this song on my wedding day and some other of your songs

God has blessed you sir


The way this sounds like flowing water.🥺🥺🥺🥺
I love it!!


I was listening to random gospel songs onSpotify and this song played, as soon as I heard the sound, the atmosphere in my car changed. The song resonated within my spirit.

God bless you for this song


"How do you want me say it? 
How do you want me tell it?
All of this lines I'm writing 
All this thoughts I'm spilling"

I love how he sings to God like his lover, because he is truly the lover of our souls


Thank you for staying in your lane; I’m in that lane. Most of your songs are letters and expressions of Love to God. I love it❤️


It’s the way you keep letting God use you to bless us back to back ❤️🥹


Really beautiful🎉🎉🎉



Your songs are so soothing to the soul and this is not an exception🥺


Your songs never fail to express a pure Jesus love🥺God bless you AEO!✨✨❤❤


How i'm just discovering this in 2024 is crazy. Such a sweet song!


"I con dey scream, con dey shout, it's like I'm losing my mind"

When comprehend how much The Father loves you and for how long He has loved you,  that is exactly how you'll feel. Like shouting crazyily❤❤❤


My head is doing griiiiii griiiiii griiiii.
My God what did i just listen to 🥹


🥺🥺 The calmness of this song reminds me of T shirt


"I wan dey scream, I come dey shout, I come losing my mind!!" 😭😭


Lord Jesus, I want it all for me😭. Such beautiful lyrics!


Keep living for Christ💙🔥


This song is an heartcry🥺


This is just so beautiful!!! What a sweet love song to Jesus. Well done Anendlessocean. The soothing uniqueness in your sound is a true blessing!