
I was an extra about a year ago for a Fox TV show called 'Shots Fired', just for one LONG day (8am-10pm).  The opportunity was passed along to me in an email and I decided to seize the experience opportunity (and $250).  It blew my mind seeing the absurd amount of equipment/manpower involved in a TV show.  Now whenever I watch a TV show/movie I have such a better understanding - than whoever I'm watching with - what it really took to create it.  This video filled in all the gaps of knowledge I didn't learn/remember from that long, hectic day.  
Bonus: I ended up in the show!  Season 1 episode 5 around 11 minutes in I walk right behind Sanaa Lathan in a heated argument.  Also got to meet Tristan Wilds, Richard Dreyfuss and Stephen Moyer that day!  If you ever get a chance to play an extra in anything, do it.  It was so worth it.


I nominate this video as the Best Crash Course 2017 award winner!


Glad to see Lily get acting accolades now! She was giving back way before she received fame :)


If a giant poster of all of the roles was made, I'd totally buy it.


This was probably the most comprehensive guide to filmmaking yet, I've been asking myself what a director of photography even does for AGES. Great video, cheers to the entire crash course team for this one!
Oh, also, if Lily's reading this, that's one SPIFFY outfit. xx


Hey Crash Course! I work in TV and Film Production. Love what you guys are doing.


a writer needs a pen, an artist needs a brush, and a filmmaker needs money.


Came here by curiosity, got lost in Lily's eyes. Had to rewatch.
Great work everyone at crashcourse, cheers.


This episode is filled with awesomeness!

CC does raise its own bar with every new video.


Thanks for changing guys she is not only gorgeous and charming, but she explains things so well that I feel like watching the whole thing now to go back to my script I abandoned...


No wonder the credits are so long


This just came out I'm so happy


So organized and informative!


I want to work in film production someday  so this whole series is much appreciated, please make a bunch of these


I'm really loving this particular series, as I've always had an interest in how films come together. Many thanks to Lily Gladstone and everyone else involved in putting these videos together; keep up the good work!


Ever since I saw it in the end credits of a movie, I've been completely amused by the title "best boy grip".


3 years of film school summarised in one video.

I mean literally, if u know how the engine of a film production works anyone can work on a film. Just don't expect to have a top-dog role, unless you're super rich or know the right people


Hello Serious Request: Is there any chance we could get a download copy of that flow chart? Filmmakers (Like myself) could really use a Cheat sheet like that.


Not a single word on coffee, what madness is this!
Great vid.


Always wondered who "Grips" and Best Boy/Girl" were whenever I watch credits. Now I know. :P