
This was unimaginably good! I saw it last night for the first time, and I keep thinking about how amazing it was—damn! I even rewatched it two or three times afterward. Man, I love this community of passionate movie lovers so much. I always enjoy seeing your work and am always looking forward to you making more of these types of videos for us!


I saw this on Vimeo, glad to see it’s on YouTube now. Such a terrific tribute!


Another masterpiece


Phenomenal video. Great job.


The masterpiece maker


Love this one! Wad disappointed when it disappeared from vimeo. Amazing work!


Masterpiece editing 🎉


Beautiful edit


great video


Amazing tribute 🙏 is there any chance to see again the Denis Villeneuve's one? Its one of my favorites edits from your work


Love that Licorice Pizza was barely featured. Obviously his weakest film. Too bad it was his last one.