You have to truly improved so much!! <3 This song proves it. T.T I love the emotion that you put into this song. And I envy your gorgeous vibrato! ^^ Also, your voice has become a lot more stronger, as well! D': The rap was wonderful O: I think it worked with the song beautifully. It was a pleasure to listen to T.T I am so glad to be able to listen to you improve with each and every song. D':
This is what I love about your dubs: You make them your own. You add your own individuality. Your voice is already so smooth and lovely. The rap is.. <3333 I remember your old Furusato dubs, and wow, you've come such a long way as a singer! Amazing, amazing job. -favorited- <3
I think I remember hearing you sing this before once lol... but that was the only time I've heard of this song... but omg your voice is so amazing in this! <3 Your vibrato is superbly gorgeous. ;u; And the emotion is really wonderful too. C: That rap was fun. xD I thought it fit pretty well~ 8D Watching this has been a nice conclusion to a good day. c: Thank you~ <3
Yeah, it's official. Yer amazing! The rap did seem a bit off to me (just because I'm not used to hearing it in there, but I'm sure after about five times of watching this it'll click xD). Love this song, and great cover. :3
Ah, Ebah! You have grown so much as a singer. Your voice is really smooth and pretty. I love how you did the harmonies yourself. That was a nice touch! Your voice is way more controlled and I can really see your improvement from when you joined J-unior SWEET almost two years ago. It's really impressive. You made me smile today with your dub. I can tell you worked really hard on this dub. It shows. - <3 Purply (lols even though me and Michelle share this account haha)
really pretty! ^_^ wish I could sing like you :D