When Star-Lord kills someone Rocket teases him “Quill you got one..I can’t believe it” makes me laugh every time 😂
no way hawkeye said “little bro” 💀
There's this one Rocket Raccoon voiceline that keeps me crackin. It's when you destroy an enemy Rocket's amplifier. He goes: "Hehaha. The other Rocket's gonna be mad I broke his amplifier"
My favourite Rocket interaction is with Cap: Cap: Rocket, I’m counting on you on the battlefield. Rocket: What, don’t got a raccoon joke like everyone else? Cap: I don’t. And Quill was right. You do have, and I quote, “one hell of a textual brain in that tiny skull.” Rocket: he…said that? I always just find it so endearing the way Rocket is taken back a bit by learning that Quill does respect him even though they fight constantly (in the lore they literally crash because they were fighting, read both characters lore and even then it’s a fight where both tell a different side of the fight and you have to figure out what actually happened) but it’s not just that Quill respects him, but that he actually goes and tells other people to trust Rocket (especially ones as highly respected and admired as Cap)
Fun Fact: although Star Lord usually leads the GOTG Rocket is often viewed as the tactical genius of the team and has on occasion lead the team personally.
Bro idk why but that voice line at 3:50 "Your name is Jeff? Okay Jeff?" Is too funny for some reason.
I like how Captain America stays just being that good guy, never judging anyone. Why would I judge you based off how you look? You are clearly more than that. Based.
rip , jeff doesnt swear
3:34 This genuinely made my heart melt
The way Mantis actually sounded confused is awesome. In my opinion best voice acting in a hero shooter.
I love his interactions with Mantis and Captain America
I find it hilarious that this version of Rocket doesn't know what a raccoon is
i want them to put a special thing for anyone who gets “lord” rank on groot should be able to understand what he’s saying
My goat and BEST Guardian
Punisher doing a war journal entry bc he’s baffled that Rocket has better guns than him makes me laugh every time I play as Rocket and I get that voice line with a Punisher in my team 😭
5:47 I love Rocket so much
Theres a voice line on the wukandan map with the payload where he asks why dont they just have slaves push the cart. Then he realizes what he said. Its a hilarious voice line and it seems pretty rare.
Rocket is the funniest
There is actually one where if your team have hella and she dies near rocket he will say “NOOO NOT THE CRAZY HOT GODDESS”