
I hope this didn't scare you away from Egypt, because it truly is full of insanely cool stuff. Just make sure to watch PART 2 for the tips we discovered to make traveling Egypt much more enjoyable 😎


Nice to hear Egypt hasn't changed since I was there in 1980.


I’ll describe it . Constant harassment and scams trying to get money no matter where you turn a completely miserable experience.


That does not sound like a vacation I’d want to take


We travelled to Egypt independently to Egypt 10 years ago covering the entire country. They constantly  tried to scam us in ways you could never imagine. I would never go there again unless on an organised  tour where the tour guide would protect you, if that was possible.


Egypt was one of the most unpleasant travel experiences. Everyone is out to scam you and you always have your guard up. Can’t really enjoy anything because of that. They scammed me multiple times in about 36 hours, and I’m an Indian, so you can just imagine the level of it all.


No matter how wonderful the country is.If its people exploit the tourist in every corner, then this country does not deserve the hardship of visiting .


My aunt warned me never to go to Egypt. I’ve heard these stories and worse from others. Will stick to museums, books, and videos when it comes to Egypt. All the cons and scams, hassles, and harassment just isn’t worth it.


Excellent video!  90% of the of the scams that you mention on this video happened to me.  When I went on a so called camel ride.  We agreed on just going around for $25.00 close to the market place in Cairo for 20 mins.  After a few mins he was walking the camel up toward a hill.  I told the guy that I didn't want to go up a hill away from the crowd.  He stopped the ride and said that I owe him $25.00.  I pay the $25.00 and walk away.  Then he proceed  follow me asking for a tip for camel.  When I refuse by reminding him that he only gave me a 5 min. camel ride for $25.00...  He then signals his so called young son with over for a tip... I gave the kid a dollar, then when I was leaving, I noticed that he handed my dollar to his so called camel driver father...  Watch out for people grabbing your hat off your head and giving it back only for a tip...   I could tell you many more Egypt scams that is not on your video...  I concluded by the end of of trip - that the best way to enjoy Egypt is watching documentaries in front of TV/videos in your own home not surrounded by scammers....


Went to Egypt with U.S. Army in 1994 as part of Operation Bright Star. It was fascinating to see, but generally awful. Came home with Sand Mites (yuck), dysentery from a pita-bread sandwich (the lettuce was probably washed in Nile River water), and exposure to toxic burn pits. There was a bombing in downtown Cairo one block from us, and the taxi cabs have to side-mirrors because the cars are three inches from each other. There were naked toddlers begging for food at the Khan Al Khalilli (the world's first "shopping mall") and everything is a huge rip-off !!  
In addition to the excellent advice given in this video, I would add the following Rick's Rules: Rule #1, haggle, haggle, haggle. Rule #2, Walk away as soon as you feel uncomfortable. Rule #3, Go in a group, but keep the women nearby lest they be kidnapped and sold into slavery in some other M.E. country -- REALLY. Rule #4, Never hand over your passport, even to a cop, and never hand a cell-phone, credit card, or your wallet to anyone in Egypt, as you probably will never see these items ever again and it takes thieves only ONE SECOND to run away. Rule #5, Compare ten prices on a thing you might want to buy, then go back to the best place the next day. Rule #6, DO NOT BUY GOLD of any kind. 99% of the jewelry stores have rigged scales and do not sell the true gold content by weight. If it feels too light to be real gold, it probably is just gold plated over tin (or dense plastic!!). Lastly, Rule #7, Keep your camera covered and tucked away until it really needs to be used. The desert dust permeates every nook and cranny, and it's impossible for an amateur to clean it out adequately.


Yeah, I'm good, thanks for taking one for the team.


OK 3 minutes into this video and I am already certain I will not visit Egypt ever in my life unless the government does something about this insanity.


Thank you, now I never have to go to Egypt and be disappointed.


sympathize with the situation in Egypt, but that doesn't justify harassing visitors or significantly overcharging them, thus tarnishing the reputation of all Egyptians. Such actions erode trust, regardless of whether some individuals are honest or not


Exactly what we experienced in October 2023. We were on a tour so we were generally protected, but everybody around us was on the take. An armed guide escorted us around the Pyramids, to avoid scammers. We stayed close to our group to avoid problems, but someone still had theur tablet taken without consent. Not a country I will ever return to.


Miserable experience, even saying hi or smiling at someone is used against you to get money from you. Stressing and just sad. You feel exploited, unsafe and you cannot even trust your shadow.


I stayed 2 weeks in Cairo in 2017, although I speak Arabic as i am from Iraq 🇮🇶 and tried to imitate the egyptian dialect but that never stopped them to attepmt scamming on me. Fairly i met some good people who gave me some advices to avoid the scams.I hated it to the extent i didnt visit the pyramids !! and just went to  the museum only. I do not recommend to visit Egypt under any circumstances .there are other tourist destinations where you can have a better travel experience.


Nothing but scammers in Egypt.


Pro tip. When you are on vacation with aggressive vendors. Pretend to use sign language


So basically Egypt would be an amazing place to visit if it weren't for the Egyptians..😂