"Minimum Government, Maximum Governance" was the slogan back then by the Modi Govt.
Thats my prime minister! Heartily thankful! - A proud proud Indian!
India has Hindu majority population and almost all of them love US. They say that every person in India has at least one relative who lives in US. Out of 5 companies I worked, two software startups were founded by Indian immigrant. Both of them went on to IPO, which allowed me to retire very young in 30s. So I have natural bias towards India. Creating high paying jobs in US is what we really need.
This made me emotional, there is nothing as beautiful as a leader loving his people and wanting the best for them. These leaders probably have their faults but nobody is perfect.
Most indians love trump because He's a nationalist just like modi.
Leftists are losing their continence over this podcast. And I love it. ❤️
In 2007 my father was transferred from Agartala(Indo-Bangladesh border) to Ahmedabad and I was in an awe of how well planned, clean and organized this district was in comparison to all of India as I have been living around India due to my dad's job in the government sector. I have been living here since then and don't hope to move anywhere other than this beautiful state called Gujarat. Thank-You Modiji you have always kept us Amdavadi's first and inspired us to work harder than yesterday Thank-You.
One of the most commendable speeches made by the Indian president Mundi how natural he and President Trump were together at the big rally completely filled at the sports arena in Texas of Indian diaspora both supporting each other and both nations. He followed DOGE by Elon Musk in India saving or redirecting $100 million back to his people. We're blessed to have both leaders. Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm happy I found you as I stroll through YouTube!
“By far the greatest PM ever”
Narendra Modi is a once-in-a-lifetime visionary leader. India is blessed to have him as PM. Lex has done the world a huge favor by doing this in-depth interview with him because Modi has been maligned by leftists and Islamists for their personal agenda. His role as a steadying force in a chaotic world will continue to play itself out during the coming years.
Brilliant 👏👏❤️🔥 I love this ❤ Love and respect from Australia 🇦🇺 👏 ❤️
Watching from India. Blessings to you too
PM Modi A legend
Indian-Aussie-American here 🇮🇳 🇦🇺 🇺🇸 thank you for bringing this to my fellow Americans — the interview illustrates the unique perspective India holds — Hinduism says all creation is divine. It is through this lens of genuine respect and love for his nation that Prime Minister Modi sees President Trump …and this is what President Trump of the United States — the world’s oldest democracy — sensed about his counterpart from India, the world’s largest democracy. These great nations should have gotten in lock-step long back.
What a lovely man just love him he's got a nice demeanor
The remark about trump listening to him while he gave a speech was actually him admiring how ground to earth trump is, usually a leader of a country sits on the stage, not in the audience looking up at another leader of a country giving speech. That's the gesture he was talking about
I am shocked, u didn't watch it in english! Even though I am an Indian and I know hindi well, I watched it in english dub because believe me it's pretty good dub.
Modi is a wonderful man. ❤ he speaks only the truth. What a beautiful speaker.
An US president giving an Indian prime minister higher elevation than him in the United States is a humble and respectful gesture. And listening to the prime minister’s speech sitting like other 80,000 spectators. That says so much when you really use your gray matter and understand it!!