
Thank you, kind human, for removing those four. I only have 986 left.


Thank you Blessed people for helping our beautiful whale !!! ❤❤


I don’t care what anyone has to say, I just know that animals are more grateful than humans.


What an honour to receive this attention. I know I’d be blown away and left with a memory I’d never forget.


Amazing how huge those animals are and yet so very gentle!!


Ett mycket vackert möte, mellan djur och människa❤❤❤!


Barnacles do not pierce or hurt whales. But I bet it was a cool encounter.


❤❤❤❤ god I would feel blessed forever if I had this experience


Unbelievable how they are .Any animal grateful for help has more love than another human. They have big hearts and have feelings just like humans


Sounds like a great story... not reality, but a great imaginative narrative.


Very beautiful video, awesome to help the whale and be repaid by family!!❤


I've been saying for decades that there is much more to animals than we realize!! They have intelligence, they have emotions, they have problem solving abilities, etc. They are quite capable of recognizing kindness and remembering those who showed them kindness. They are  wonderful beings who should be accepted, respected, and protected!!!! ❤😊


This story  is silly …but the footage is great


Thank You for your compassion by releasing is whales pain or agony  . Just like humans they too need help some times. God bless you. You are a hero and just remember that animals do not forget the kindness you bestow unto then . Merci


Such awesome and beautiful creatures. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤


Awww, this is so very sweet!!! Thank you so very much!!! 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳


One of the most beautiful moments to behold , from a human perspective... long may there be such people evermore..😊❤


C est merveilleux ❤de voir çà.❤Merci pour cette magnifique video ❤Et merci infiniment. 🙏 🫡 Respect ❤Bravo ♥️


Wow..beautiful moment


Absolutely precious ❤