BLA held them until Dawn and left with hostages and did offer a swap for Baluch missing persons. However Casualties are questionable both sides hiding the actual figure.
no claims could be verified till they issue pictures.
No fighting now pak army clear all way
Not everyone has been executed
Swords may clash and kingdoms fall, yet trees still rise and rivers call. Men wage wars, their tempers flare, while earth sows peace in silent prayer. Blood may stain the shifting sand, but roots still weave a softer land. Where hands build life, not tear apart, there dwells the promise of a wiser heart.
Pakistani punjabi deshatgard wardi is used to leave their solders to die at the hands of the opposition,we saw this in kargil & now in bolan baluchistan. The Pakistani punjabi deshatgard occupation force is also in self denial & blaming others( Afghanistan & Hindustan) for its own oppressive crimes & atrocities against its so called own population of baluchistan+ Kyber-pakhtukhawa+ sindh+ POK. Then since the birth of Pakistan in 1947 have had a colonial attitude to crush any dissint they use brute force & atrocities against it's own people.
BLA = Kalbhoshan Network
Pak Army zindabad. India must leave occupied Kashmir. We r united. Don't worry
Pakistan army is the great army in the worldπ
India beyond any doubt must be well aware of such an acts , because they are already undergoing such a freedom struggles from India in seven sisters states (; Aranachal perdesh, Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland Assam) , Sikhs khalistan independence movement, Mao Naxals,( in more than eight Indian states) , jammu and Kashmir, South India Tamils, Christian especially in North East where America has a intrest, and Dalits , the poor low caste Hindu who converts to Muslims, Christian and Mao Naxals every day. More than 100 million Indians live below the poverty line, they are born in footpath, live their entire life in footpath and die in footpath. Your nextdoor neighbour and the whole world are totally aware of the actual India. Stop spitting venom and act with wisdom. What goes around comes around.