Dude depression can be debilitating and therefore a huge obstacle to ANY productivity, which includes art.
That art teacher needs to be freaking fired. Encouraging depression (no matter the intent) is straight up dangerous and should not be teaching.
Honestly, the most touching art comes after depression. In that phase when you don't want to be sad anymore but this time, you're motivated to do something. Slowly but surely, you start to appreciate yourself more. Start seeing some great things you missed about yourself. The feeling of starting to love yourself more is one of the best joys there is.
Depression kills motivation. Never have I ever woke up feeling like shit and had my mind instantly jump to creating something. Maybe that’s just me.
i think deppression making your art good is somewhat true, but horribly said. EMOTION can make your art good. Art needs to convey something to attract people to your art, and emotions do that very well. Deppression wont make you a better artist, but learning to convey your emotions and thoughts through art can make your works feel more lively, and more appealing as a result
My depression has actually discouraged me from making art because of the aforementioned disadvantages of 1.) Putting your work out there to be judged and 2.) My mentality that my work is not good enough and will never be good enough. So in conclusion.... um....
i absolutely despise the way people seem to link depression/sadness with intelligence/ability for literally no reason it does so much harm to so many people
so main goal of succesfull artist life is: being a furry?
There was a girl in my art class that had AMAZING art, her scholarship board was just as impressive, she won her scholarship, her art was depressing obviously and in her scholar board she mentioned how this project hospitalized her. When I saw her in class every interaction with her mirrored this, there was is scary air of a broken woman in front of me. She was awarded for this and I am intimidated and scared that if I also don't show these ministries of education that I am ready to kill myself for them then I'm not good enough to succeed further as an artist
That last part about how when you're depressed everything not depressing doesn't seem real is absolutely true. I had depression around a year ago which I'm now out of and I remember thinking how stupid simple happy things were how much joy can come from a smile from a stranger or seeing a flower or looking at the sky just good things that dont require money, effort or real time.
Art is making something that wasn’t there before. If you doodle on a piece of paper that’s art, if you make a 10m sculpture that’s art, if you sing, dance or cook that’s art. Art is in our blood and we don’t need to fear it. I am an artist helping guide people into a creativity they are comfortable with, in my case watercolour and pencil painting, and my channel is doing well as people discover the value of just doing it. No judgment, just make something.
lol Depression is the lack of energy to bring yourself to do things which are necessary or wanted. So, the answer is no. Please, take care of yourselves.
Art is experience focused through proven techniques. The more art you do, the better you will get. Anything you can't do, keep repeating and it will happen. Guess what happens when you're depressed? You have 0 energy or motivation, the reward systems in your brain don't feel the practice is worth the trouble - due to either self-doubt or a false perspective about the meaningfulness of one's own art. I've felt like shit for my entire life. No. Being depressed does not make you produce better art. Loving yourself, giving yourself credit, and taking care of yourself on a day to day basis (diet, exercise etc.) is the key to producing good art. Everything beyond is simply mindfulness about direction. No.
Romanticism fetishized the image of the struggling artist, the unappreciated genius, the unfinished work. Maybe one day we will move on.
"Because when you are depressed everything that is not depressing doesn't feel real." Well that hit right where it hurts huh?
Read a book about El Greco and the Author was really big on the "to suffer is to understand art" and the first pages just went on and on about how sad Greco's life where, how he suffered and how that is why he achieved true understanding of art and that you can never be a real artist if you haven't suffered. I stopped reading after that. Van Gogh, the poster child of "depression makes good art" is a constantly miss used example. He did the best art when he was OUT of his depressive episodes and one can argue that we would have had more Van Gogh art had he been treated. You should never deliberately stay depressed or sabotage your happiness and it will not make you a better artist. Teaching people they aren't sad enough is beyond unethical.
I hate this idea so much, mainly because as a depressed artist myself the three years of my life where my depression was worst produced absolutely no art, and now that I'm recovering I use art to make me feel HAPPY. The idea that I should go back into that awful place just to make my art better for others is so shitty. I create for myself first and foremost and I don't care if depressed art WAS all perfect masterpieces and happy art was all shallow and untalented, not feeling like I want to die constantly is worth so much more than other people's opinions on something I love. You want depressing art? Get depressed and make it yourself, artists don't live for your appreciation. (Nevermind the fact that my actual skills got worse because of my depression keeping me from practicing)
I feel like it can go either way, some people might feel like they're depression actually fuels their creativity while others might treat art as more of a treatment for depression. I can tell from personal experiences that art actually helped me deal with my depression but I didnt necessarily used it as a subject matter in my work. Either way all artists have the potential to create beautiful pieces of art no matter what their state of mind is uwu
The only thing people do better while depressed is...nothing. like actually just not doing anything.