I actually saw this in the theater. My sister and I were pretty bummed about bad news and it was the only movie we didn't have to wait half an hour for, so in we went. We were the only people in the theater, and we talked about what was going on. Finally we just up and left, still crying and upset, and the theater staff took pity on us and gave us some cheddar popcorn to make up for the movie.
"I cant believe I went to Party City for this"-The title of my autobiography
That Norm MacDonald burn on Conan was one of the funniest things Ive ever seen in my entire life.
The clip of Norm MacDonald hits a little differently now. Love seeing him at his best, it took him less than a SECOND to come up with that quip. What a brilliant mind for comedy.
What was it about bad 90's comedies that thought a wide angle lens automatically meant funny? Also I LOVED THE PROPS ALLISON
The Norm Macdonald interview is absolutely hilarious. Norm wasn't even being interviewed and it's funnier than anything carrot top has ever done LOL.
I remember hating this as a kid, and then being reassured that my hatred was correct as an adult.
OH god, all the worst 90s bad movie tropes in one mess: - Big Srs Business left in the hands of wacky man-child - inventor or quirky, useless inventions - unlikable buffoon gets down to earth woman Just Because - obnoxious fish eye lens Also I'd give anything for Phelous to review this based on how you said he found it insufferable LOL.
Carrot Top went to my high school and played in the marching band. His picture is up on the wall with the rest of his class.
I keep coming back to these older videos just to re-watch the intros. The music, graphics, the super cute dancing.
Your dancing on the intro for this series gets me every time. It's perfection!
That baby looks more like Chucky than anything else.
Joel Hodgson is a way better prop comedian. The invention exchanges back in his MST3K days were pretty creative. Also, unlike Carrot Top, he wasn't constantly screaming to make everything seem more wacky.
For many years I thought Carrot Top was the same person as Yahoo Serious.
Oh thank you for including the Norm McDonald clip.
Jerry here, You killed me with the line "Even the DVD menu is a hot mess! What am I suppose to click on? How do I exit this movie?"
I think the 'wacky inventor' crazy in 90s movies came about from the success of back to the future and Doc Brown's popularity. Dumb comedies wanted to cash in on that but couldn't think of a good reason for why they invent or what they invent.
I literally had just started watching Neil Blomkamp's new short film, but as soon as this notification popped up... "Fuck this! This shit can wait! Allison has a new video!"
The subtle insert of profanity in this narrative is very fitting and hints at the frustration of having to seat through this sparkling gem. Well done