
0:59 When You said "Get on the Right side of the road" and switched to the Left lane, it Lagged my brain a bit 😆


There's a chance you having the Spoiler up on the Bugattis might have limited the top end and acceleration, the wing isn't supposed to be up for top end driving.


the tunnel alone feels as long as the whole highway in Horizon :D


you have to customize and tune your gear ratios in order to get the most out of these cars


Reached level 40 and maxed out a Ferrari F40. Almost 1:1 power to weight ratio, it’s mental


Ferrari 812 Superfast is the fastest. Topspeed is 355mph


IRL, the agera rs when setting the world record did like a 285 mph in one of the runs I believe. The average of the two way run was 277. 8mph so it should be a bit faster in game


3:28 Veyron Acceleration is Slugish


I wish they would make the cars match their speeds and acceleration in realife and match the times cuz forza,the crew motorfest,nfs none of the cars do what they do in real life.


Good cars but what i got 304mph with the ferrari superfast during a race


I have the lotus evija that cars is insane


If they drive stocke 250mph what happen when we tune them?


is MC20 the fastest Super Car after mods at level 30?[Edit no it’s NOT do not mod it! BUY AWD cars better traction and control]!
 i'm considering it as i need a super to survive until level 40, dont understand why the devs make this game this way... and not enough new races to earn money or am i missing something? or i should be re running all the available races twice everyday???


the lack of traffic is rly concerning


Evija is the best


Which software do you use for editing?


I'm level 60


WRONG! Ferrari 812 superfast hits 355 mph , and not even MMAXED OUT AHAHAHHAHA  2200 hp  and 2000 torque


Looks like none of the top speeds are realistic.