Let’s not forget that Joey and Phoebe go out to dinner once a month to talk about the others.
How bout a theory where joey and chandler picked up the wrong baby after losing it on the bus. So after all the remaining 8 seasons ross, Carol, and Susan have been raising the wrong "ben"
Matt Leblanc wanted Phoebe and Joey together as a couple and he felt that they had a chemistry , but the creators did Rachel and Joey , which was awful and weird
The psych ward one doesn't make sense because : a) They all have jobs b) They all changed jobs, got fired or quit at some point c) Ross moved d) They went to London and Los Vegas e) Chandler went to Tulsa f) Monica and Chandler got married and went to Ohio to adopt twins g) Phoebe moved a lot h) Ross went to China I) They have been to different fancy restaurants
I REALLY disliked Monica's parents, although her father a little less so. At least he checked on her after she and Richard broke up when she was really depressed and that was sweet. Her mom, however, was HORRID!
There's one theory I have: Ross and Rachel's breakup was a planned event by Gunther.
My biggest theory about Friends : Ross didn't need a relationship , Ross didn't need a girlfriend , Ross didn't need Rachel ( definally not ) , Ross all the time only needed of a therapy , but none of his friends helped him with that
"Phoebe and Joey were hooking up" , i always wanted these two together as a couple
The affair theory I heard from somewhere was that Jack had the affair and got custody and that's why Judy treated Monica like she did.
My fan theory: Carol, not Rachel, was the love of Ross’s life. He wasn’t completely got over her when his high school crush came back in to the picture. This explains why Ross has such a hard time trusting anyone and why he always feels the need to be in a relationship. He even blames himself for Carol turning lesbian; that is, he thinks he’s such a bad lover that he turned Carol off not just to him, but men in general.
While I think it would’ve been nice if Joey and Phoebe got together, I think it was good that they kept one of the female and male relationships platonic.
There should be a theory where Ursula killed Phoebe and stood for her, in revenge for sabotaging her marriage. That explains why the first seasons phoebe was sweet, and the last seasons she was meaner.
One of my theories is that phoebe is psychic. There are a few reasons, but the main reason is because in one of the episodes they go around and see what everyone is thinking and Joey is humming in is head. And then phoebe said in her head. “ who’s humming”. Another’s reason is she just magically learned how to speak Italian and why she believes in so many things.
I can actually really get behind the "Ross lost custody of Ben" theory, considering the last time he appears, he's exposed to Phoebe's potty mouth! It might make sense why Ben and Emma never shared any screentime together.
The theory about Monica being the result of an affair hits so hard and explains so much! Looking back, Judy was outright horrid and rude to Monica! I mean, she even made a term about her when someone makes a mistake! "Pulling a Monica"?! Yeah, "mother of the year" right there! At least Jack was more of a decent parent to Monica, despite somewhat favoring Ross. I mean, he checked in on Monica after she broke up with Richard, felt genuine remorse for damaging the boxes of her childhood, and GAVE HER A FREAKING PORSCHE! I can see why Monica and Chandler named their son Jack.
I believe Phoebe being a secret genius because Lisa Kudrow who played her has a bachelor's degree in Biology.
Everyone wanted Phoebe and Joey but no they decided Joey AND Rachel..
Hear me out. What if Mr Heckles is actually Chandler from the future who came back to warn him about how he will end up if he didn’t start taking relationships more seriously and if he didn’t mature since after Mr Heckles dies Chandler starts to change?
Friends always makes me feel comforted, because it reminds me of simpler times. Anyone else? 🤔