Actually, the final box office numbers came in and it is sitting at $89 million for the weekend, which is $17 million less than Quantumania. It is absolutely not a runaway success.
The movie still won’t make enough money, it is far from a success.
Marvel are putting on a Brave New Face...
This film wasn't made to make a profit...... it was made to make a statement.
Don't worry guys it's still bad
You know you’re right that Mackie is a decent actor…I watched his movie Elevation last night and I like it. I was actually thinking it deserves a sequel. But they done him absolutely no favours giving him the shield and with this movie too lol. He said some stupid stuff too but overall Disney done him wrong.
If you have to lie about how much it cost, or how much you took in and when, or jimmy the numbers, that's a clear sign it's in trouble.
The ONLY people. Who can claim this was a success is the actors who took disney for FAR more than this garbage was worth 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Admittedly, it was better than I thought it was going to be. Definitely better than ant-man quantum mania, the Marvels, Thor love and thunder, and she hulk. But it's not back on the mark yet. I didn't expect anything from this movie but fantastic four is the one that has to be a huge success or the rest of whatever they have planned is fucked.
this movie was like the weakest coffee I have ever had.
Did absolutely nothing for me. Mcu needs a reboot.
I don't think the movie was bad, or good. I think is a ok streaming movie for disney+ and shouldn't have been released in theatre's.
This should have been incredible hulk 2 with ross hunting Bruce down with the military and abomination and then becoming red hulk etc leading into thunderbolts. And the leader should have been the main villain in the movie.
Considering they “adjusted” the budget to be half of what they actually spent it’s a bomb.
Why even make secret invasion just to do nothing with it that could have been a movie in itself leading up to fantastic four with the super skrulls.
Stuff like this makes me think there wasn’t a grand plan to begin with and the movies happened to be successful
The Movie has to make 2.5-3x the Budget to be a success, but uniquely negative for this movie is that that doesn’t even account for the millions spent in reshoots and marketing, with a budget of 180 Million+ that means it needs to hit at base 360,000 Million-540 Million to break even and due to reshoots its safe to add 6-10 Million for reshoots making it a rounded out 550 Million needed overall. It isn’t even close to that right now, with the usual trend of MCU having a downward trend after the initial pop it will at best hit 300-350 Million so it will still be a flop. It ain’t making it even close to half a Billion.
It opened worse that Ant man Quantumania, so that doesn’t bode well.
That's more than I expected, but the second week tells us if they movie will make money or not.