
24:40 NOoooo! BIRD DOWN
The endemic life and environment is going to be so fun to watch this time around.


I can't quite explain it but the build up to this game has made me feel a level of excitement i haven't had in many years


14:26 The way that Seikret scooped up the knocked down Hunter was cool af!


Now Congalala also has its own Escaton Judgement mechanic added which is an area-wide cinematic fart with reverb.


Guys, you really need better mics, especially Joe. A 30$ USB mic would better than what you're using right now and make for a MUCH better experience for everyone.


The seamless world reminds me of Xenoblade Chronicles X world where it's no loading between zones.  That definitely has me hype.  This monster hunter is going to be one for the record books.


the dripping honey cliffs were amazing! I laughed when I saw congala cause it looks like he was eating tons of it and then taking a nap


My boi Congalala and Yian Kut Ku are back!!!


Anyone knows where I can watch the original Japanese stream? Every single stream I see has other people's faces and talking over the original stream.


I hope Congalala gets access to a lot of different mushrooms/snacks, would be cool to see an exciteshroom that produces a breath attack that rapidly saps stamina. The idea of the special truffle is awesome!


30:49 this place looks like a great place to begin the fight with plesioth. Are they planning on bringing the hip check monster back? If so, then I'm all for it 💯


The scarlet forest when it becomes clear looks like a great place for a herd to spend their time and consume food. I can imagine a herd of popos walking in those forest pathways in 24:34


19:57 okay so we CAN customize the seikrets colors?? idk why they haven't given more confirmation on this before, nice.


28:17 Definitely not Congalala smelling his own fart 😂😂 i love this game already! 😂


my bois should have lowerd the volume of the original stream, its pretty hard to understand them or the deveolpers at all if they on the same volume xD


I'll be frank, I knew Congalala was gonna be back from the Dual Blades trailer, but I had no clue just how HAIRY the team made him!


I can't believe Congalala and Yian Kut Ku are coming back. A pipedream becoming reality.


I am so glad that MH keeps giving, the only game so far I am not afraid to pre-order


Casually revealing that peak is back


Congalala.. Is.. BEAUTIFUL