
Imagine being that guy in the crowd that screamed "NOOOOO" just before Seth hit Roman with the chair. He became a legend that night.


When the crowd chants “You Sold Out” you know you’ve done a good betrayal, and have descended into a heel


The saddest part about this entire thing is right before seth hits Roman, you can hear one fan scream NOOOOOOO


Came back from the Main event of tonight’s WrestleMania. but I can’t believe a single steel chair shot changed the entire course of WWE history


That one guy who screamed “NOOOOO!” before Seth whacked Roman was heartbreaking


Hearing that one guy scream "No!" Really hurt my heart thousands of hearts were broken that night


The irony of this moment is that this moment has never escaped Roman Reigns’ mind. Even through all of the success, failures, main events, and title wins. And when this moment resurfaced at WM 40 and both Cody and Seth rose to their feet, his 2014 emotions hit him hard. And it resulted in his legendary title reign to end at 1,316 days.


the chair shot that would cost him his title, 10 years later


The "NNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" right before it happened.  It's these little reactions that keep me watching WWE.


This is one of the most iconic Heel turns in history


The crowd was so shocked they didn't even know how to react.


This ultimately caused Romans downfall yesterday. 
You could tell years later it still hurts him. 


This moment lowkey changed Modern day WWE forever


This happened almost 8 years ago and it still gives me goosebumps


6 years later and I’m still not over this.


Watching this right after Wrestlemania 40 hits different


0:33 that guy that screamed no that's like wow thousands of hearts where heart broken I feel sorry for him


“There’s always a plan B…”

9 years later and that delivery is still badass


“There is 1 imposter among us” 


10 years in the making. Story-telling at its finest man. Thank you WWE.