Phil’s “Look Mate… BITCH” cracked me up
I can't get over Phil aggresively saying 'Look Mate, BITCH' after Dan's 'lobotomy maybe bestie?' (also the sneaky 'not straight enough? bicurious' that Phil says is too funny my god)
"Hello Dan and Phil games swingers" followed by Dan's laughter is iconic
Dan not being afraid of gay jokes, Phil not being afraid to swear... We've come so far 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
when Dan makes fun of Phil for using the jetpack and Phil says “What else was I meant to do with it? Make a cup of tea?” WAS SO UNDERRATEDLY FUNNY
phil stroking dan’s hand and dan looking more and more disgusted has me deceased
refreshing my YouTube page over and over again like a normal person reacting normally to gamingmas
I love how there was ABSOLUTELY NO PAUSE between “we’re inside each other” and the monotone “I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry” it was like a gut reflex
Dan and Phil are the only ones keeping me going through this seasonal depression
‘You fucked a hat?’ We’re 53 seconds in Dan 😂
“Our balls are on fire” is the perfect notification to show up when I’m showing my friends my final essay, thanks guys for your perfect timing <3
the fact that phil has sang the same “don’t stop never give up” tune in both this golf video as well as the ones from like 6 or 7 years ago is crazy to me
thank you dads for getting us students through finals
phil: wears any color whatsoever me: wow that is really phil's color! that really makes his eyes pop!
somehow dan is still inadvertently on fire
i don't know how to describe the emotional cocktail i feel in response to dan and phil coming back. they're doing fun things together; continuing series that have been on hiatus for years; being the same people i adored in middle school, but with confidence and authenticity to themselves; feeling comfortable with gay jokes and showing some affection on camera because we aren't breathing down their necks now. they've built their dream house, written books, created an online show, gone on tours, revived and revitalized communities. it's just so joyous. i'm incredibly glad to be here.
we’ve come a long way since Phil said he was going to start a family in one of the holes
i love how if dan teases phil, he just giggles, but if phil teases dan, dan is like HOW DARE YOU
the new hats are giving barbie and ken absolue slay