Oh man, I was all ready to say "I'm sorry Nyxson ol' boy but you're completely wrong on this game & I am unsubscribing¹"... ...because I was super disappointed in S.o.T.; to this day, I hate it for the game it claimed to be vs. the game it actually turned out to be, and IMO the answer to "should you buy SoT?" is "no, no, a thousand times no" always & forever! ...so hearing you say "it's no secret that I'm not a big fan of this game" is balm to my soul. 👊👊 I knew you were a man of taste & intelligence! ------------- ¹: (that part is a joke. I think–)
My take is a resolute "no" - It's not worth playing. This game's success continues to baffle me. It has been a misfire from launch - and much of that is on the shoulder's of management at the company, who've made bad decision after bad decision - and attacked it's own audience, catering to toxic players. They recently touted a single player experience, but it's a lie, as you can't do anything worthwhile in single player - and what little you can do is so severely hamstrung, it's not worth it. What a waste - and further shade on the part of the company. This is a game for the worst of gamers - and that behavior is encouraged by the developers. It's a griefer's paradise. Curious about that? Search for videos and you'll see. Make up your own mind.
lets just not talk about theb and rare being bad in every way