
i got this game to play with my mate during lockdown. i though the game was so boring and pointless playing…. this was until me and my friend took down a huge gallion. stole their loot, whitnesses two player ships foghting eachother and stole both their look without them noticing and went back on our merry way. btw we did all this on a row boat😂this one play theough made me realise this game can me so much fun


Oh man, I was all ready to say "I'm sorry Nyxson ol' boy but you're completely wrong on this game & I am unsubscribing¹"...

...because I was super disappointed in S.o.T.; to this day, I hate it for the game it claimed to be vs. the game it actually turned out to be, and IMO the answer to "should you buy SoT?" is "no, no, a thousand times no" always & forever!

...so hearing you say "it's no secret that I'm not a big fan of this game" is balm to my soul.  👊👊  I knew you were a man of taste & intelligence!

¹:  (that part is a joke.  I think–)


My take is a resolute "no" - It's not worth playing.  This game's success continues to baffle me.  It has been a misfire from launch - and much of that is on the shoulder's of management at the company, who've made bad decision after bad decision - and attacked it's own audience, catering to toxic players.

They recently touted a single player experience, but it's a lie, as you can't do anything worthwhile in single player - and what little you can do is so severely hamstrung, it's not worth it.  What a waste - and further shade on the part of the company.

This is a game for the worst of gamers - and that behavior is encouraged by the developers.  It's a griefer's paradise.  Curious about that?  Search for videos and you'll see.  Make up your own mind.


lets just not talk about theb and rare being bad in every way