
who’s gonna tell them that wasn’t dab’s fan and there was, in fact, a famous sim standing right behind him


dan getting offended about phil’s raking of the sand garden is so on brand and it’s STILL so funny


Evan looking in the mirror thinking about Bob ACTUALLY kinda made me emo. Evan is gaining sentience and can recognize that as he gets older he looks like his dad 🥹


i love that dab and evans trips always somehow include paranormal activity, its so spiritual homosexual of them


i love that they are now living vicariously through dab and evan instead of dil 😭


I’ve noticed that dan does the game play and Phil is the passenger princess in almost every game lol


“Butt stuff” in the first 20 seconds is a strong start!


dan and phil audio be like "i am in sensory hell" <mic audio changes> "ahhh, i am at peace" <mic audio changes> "I am in sensory hell" <mic audio changes back> "ahh i am at peace."


dans outfit being honeymoon appropriate and phil is wearing black is wild


Alt title- Dan and Phil reflecting on their Japan trip for 28 minutes


1:56 phil’s sassy as fuck eye roll at dan’s joke is giving me so much goddamn serotonin oh my god


dab & evan’s honeymoon has a lot of parallels to dan and phil’s japan trip and that’s fucking ADORABLE


not even one minute in and phil's already shaking ass


Oh yeah dan, I can tell that garden really makes you zen. fuck's sake


when evan sung "AUUUUUGH" at karaoke night i felt that


Please get the werewolf pack and meet the Howell family. My life will be complete then.


Dab and Evan: [woohooing in bed]
Dan: Go on, my son
Phil, side-eyeing: Now you made it weird


Lol we all know that Dan fixed the zen garden after filming this video


back from the dead merch gotta be the hardest thing y’all ever created tbh


DAN! I see your moss lawn and I raise you; clover lawn. low maintenance, drought resistant, and the bees looooove it