I honestly don't know how you do it, but you take actors I love and make me love them even more. Gary Oldman is a global treasure and it saddens me to think that he'll eventually retire and we will be robbed of his immense talent.
What I love the most about Gary Oldman is the fact that he becomes his characters so effortlessly that you often don't realize it's him. Oldman is an Actor, not a movie star. An Actor brings a character to life. A movie star steals the spotlight from the character. When my wife and I saw Darkest Hour, she didn't believe me when I told her that the man who played Churchill was the same person who played Sid Vicious, Beethoven, and Sirius Black. It completely blew her mind when I showed her the proof on IMDB. She now agrees with me that he is not only one of the best actors of his generation, but of all time.
“Imagine one day you're at work or out for a drink or doing the shopping and someone shouts "CUT" and it turns out you were Gary Oldman all along. That's how good an actor he is.”
There's an entire generation of moviegoers who can't imagine Gary Oldman playing a Batman villain b/c his Jim Gordon is so iconic. But no doubt he would've been a great Joker, Two-Face, Riddler, Scarecrow, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Ra's al Ghul, Ventriloquist, etc... Heck, he could've also convincingly played the supervillains of other superheroes like Spider-Man & X-Men.
That everyone scene in Leon was still arguably one of the best one liner in film history by any villain. 🥰
I work in SFX and I’ve worked on two films with Gary, ‘Track 29’ and ‘Batman Begins’. He was one of the few stars I’ve worked with who were genuinely nice people. I got to chat with him at length in Gotham City while we were between set ups. ‘Leon’ is one of my favourite movies of all time and it baffles me that it wasn’t swamped with awards.
This is a terrific essay. Nothing salacious, nothing hyperbolic, just calmly presented in-depth research with great editing to match the narration. Thank you.
Oldman was first brought to my attention in the 90's. A late actor friend of mine would gush about how versatile and brilliant he was, with his performance in Romeo is Bleeding being his personal favorite. I'm sure he would have loved this essay about Oldman. Thank you.
His performance in Slow Horses is probably my favourite acting ever, by anyone. The way he delivers his lines in that series is unbeatable
There's something really poetic about the role that got him out of being typecast as a villain is Sirius Black, who we start out thinking is a villain and turns out to be a sweetheart.
He's my favorite actor. I don't think he gets talked about enough in the "pantheon of the greatest" conversations he's amazing
I love how Gary Oldman totally disappears into his roles - without disappearing. A couple of years ago i asked my wife: "do you know the actor who played jim gordon from the nolan batman - you know the police officer? i really loved that actor and he was carrying most of the scenes which he is in. however, i don't think i have seen him anywhere else." well, obviously she made a lot of fun of me. i think that night we watched leon. but since then every so often i re-watch a movie and i realise that gary oldman is in it. even though i might have seen the movie a couple of times before, i never realised that gary oldman filled that role i really liked - but never saw the actor behind the character.
Gary Oldman is one of the best actors of all time. I've always held that opinion. Very few actors are capable of completely changing their personality for a role. Take Robert Deniro for instance, legendary actor. But everytime you see him onscreen, you get Robert Deniro and not a character. Gary Oldman is one of the few I can count that actually deserves top tier recognition for their skills.
Oldman will always by my fav Dracula, such an iconic flic.
So you telling me he was some of my favourite characters and I didn't even know it was him? He's a legend!
Oldman is my favorite actor. I have been calling him a chameleon long before watching your video. Its nice to feel validated. thank you. Theres a lot of ppl that say Daniel Day Lewis is the best actor but find his best performances are extremely similar throughout his career. On the other hand, Gary Oldman’s best performances he’s nearly unrecognizable and conveys the same, if not more, charisma than DDL
He's my all time favorite actor and has been ever since his early 90s run of brilliance-- between R&G are Dead, Dracula, JFK, Beethoven, & Leon, he was absolutely amazing in everything.
"Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg" It's amazing how, no matter how much time passes, if you can remember the movie, you can remember the character.
Gary Oldman is greatest actor of all time. The man disappears in every character he plays. He’s truly the ultimate chameleon. He’ll always be the greatest Commissioner Gordon, he truly embodied who that character is and played him perfectly. I’m glad he and Nolan teamed up again for Oppenheimer and hope they’ll work together again in the future. The work this man has done is truly astonishing as he’s done so many excellent films and always gives his all, even when he shows up in a bad film, he’s typically the best thing about the film. The man should have like 5 or 6 Academy Awards by now. The fact he has 1 out of 3 nominations is a joke. I’m glad he’s got an Oscar, but he should have more nominations and wins. The man is incredibly talented and deserves all the praise he has received throughout his career.