
Dude I love your videos! Super informative! Quick question, is their any way you could do a video on the productions that are “Full Productions” vs half? Meaning you could run all productions at full output?


Idk, i tried BGA`s but 100k sillage per month is alot for only $60k dollars, with 100k grass i can feed my sheeps for like almost an year, and they give me like $90k per month....i know there`s the price for the sheep barn and the fabric production....but still...


The BGA that is already placed on the map bigger than 500mw


Not sure where you got these numbers.  I bought the BGA and run manure, silage and slurry.  I make $130k-$140k every month on normal difficulty.


what about the stats for the big one on the map that cant be built only bought for around 2 mil?


What happens to the methane and electric charge you produce? I thought in FS22 you could use those as well.


You exchanged the output from methane and electric charge so your calculation is off, and you subtracted the monthly cost from every output not the total.


Is this spreadsheet available for download?


where can we find the chard?


Either your "time to pay off" maths is wrong., or i dont understand..  15.8 months on silage to pay off 1.18 million, when only MAKING 37,709 p/m  ????  your calculation is from the output value per p/m instead of the additional revenue p/m


OR chip 1 oak tree = $100K


127 months to pay off....lol. Not worth it. Time vs money!