When I came into this Truth, I had to really pray that the Most High and His Spirit guide me in this walk. Too many false doctrines out here proclaiming they are in the Truth. The Set Apart Spirit will guide us in Spirit and Truth. All Praises to the Most High and His only begotten Son!
I remember watching those earlier this year and that first statement was all that was needed. "If anything anyone does seems off to your spirit then stop it. All that you do should point to Yah". Be encouraged brova and keep spreading truth. I know it's hard because being pure at heart can always get you in a situation to where ppl will try to play you. But Yah sees and knows the truth. Shalom to you and ya family.
I believe in you and your testimony !!!
Anybody that listens to you and has watched you for a while knows you’re speaking out of love. In the Spirit it’s obvious. 👊🏾 Keep speaking truth and showing your humility.
Respect brother for this message. Forgive your brother and leave it be. All will be revealed.
The video that TCA posted was straight reaching. I still catch myself using the OK sign. Most people do, because it is something we learned from culture. Glad you are unlearning and teaching us how to do the same!
We are too quick to judge and cast stones at others while we haven't done nothing for the Kingdom ourselves. Keep pushing ahk, we can see the Father working through you. APTTMHY🙏🏾
Tca is on some Cia crop stuff trying to break down those with an inspiration to Yah's sheep... BE YOU MY BROTHER . We see you.😍 Be blessed
Praise God. I watched the initial video when it came out and it’s almost like you responded to TCA months before he even attacked you. And I love how this video didn’t include any new content and it was from a previous video, because truth doesn’t change. You’re consistent in your convictions and what you believe. May the Father protect you from harm from the enemy.
You and your wife are excellent examples in our community and the feelings I had before are still the same today, you 2 are MOST HIGH spirit filled staples in our community. Zara has wisdom beyond belief and you do too. Multi gifted are you both and we ain’t going no where❤. All glory and honor to THE MOST HIGH Forever!
I stand with you……Eshon you are an Israelite indeed don’t sweat these haters its satan workn behind these haters to steal your peace….ShALoM to YOU and your FaMiLiA ShALOM 👑 KiNG 🫡
Yo my brother don't let distractions derail you from your journey, remember that, that was done to our Mashiach, all because they claimed that he was of the adversary, when all alone they were the adversary. Peace be upon my Brother.
Well said Eshon! Only two types of Yahuah-Yahusha believers out here, theres the ones that leads peoples unto themselves and the ones that leads people unto the Mosthigh as mashiach did/does🙌🏽🕊 HalleluYah
Salute brethren! Much respect! 🫡🫡🫡 Those who are His, test the Spirit and taste/see your fruit. May Yah continue to keep and preserve you until the end! 🙏🏾
It’s clear where the set apart spirit is and where it is not. Yah isn’t a God of confusion. Continue to move with clarity. I am grateful that Yah is using you and your family as vessels to bless us. Blessings to you and yours
Peace and blessings to all reading this. Eshon, we love y'all homie. TMH is working right now, time is winding up, and the enemy is scramblin trying to "expose" those putting out the Truth. Let us pray for each other, even praying for those that are still lost or turned away. Be blessed family
Shalom akhi. Blessings to you and yours. Much respect for how you are responding to your adversary- the real adversary. Resist the devil and he will flee. He that winneth souls is wise. Continue to walk in Abba's will. Much respect.
Shalom Ahki, I appreciate the work the Most High has put in your direction. I have been someone who has been in the depths of darkness at one point in my journey and know that the industry very much pushes this. The Most High woke me up at an important time and showed me my faults... and I repented. Keep YAH first and continue being his vessel. All Praise To the Most High Bless up!
Fact of the matter is... His channel isn't around anymore... That is judgement. Yah fights for truth !