
I literally just woke up a few minutes ago and felt really sick and I don’t know why, I threw up a bit and now I’m just sitting in my bathroom cuz I’m kinda scared that I’ll throw up again. I think I might be dehydrated or something cuz I woke up and was really thirsty, so I’m just sitting here and drinking a little cup of water. I’m a little scared but my mom isn’t here right now so I’m just commenting on YouTube to make me feel better. I hope that anyone who is reading this and clicked on this video to stop from throwing up feels better soon and has a good rest of your day


anyone else laying on the bathroom floor? 💀


Who else searched how to stop nausea bc they are scared of throwing up?😭😭


Im happy to know im not the only person who doesnt want to vomit


I had a quadruple bypass about 18 months ago. About two days after the op, the nurses got me out of bed (along with my tangle of tubes and IVs) and onto a chair. It must have been the after-effects of the anaesthetic, but a wave of nausea hit me as I stood up (a nurse on each side). Another nurse rushed and grabbed an alcohol wipe and held it under my nose. The nausea subsided and I never had that problem again. Apparently, that was used in another hospital, and it certainly worked for me.


Good information on causes vomiting . Food poisoning generally results in vomiting. Dehydration can result and saline IV may be required in emergency room.


I have an issue with vomiting when eating at times. I have to be very careful making sure I chew least 30 times to help things stay down. I have a hiatus hernia and have been taking meds for years to help but recently found out the meds also block absorption of some nutrients so I'm doing my best lately to stay off them.


I used to have a huge fear of vomiting. And I mean huge. I would cry so much because I just didn’t want to. Then, it randomly went away. I don’t know what I did to make it go away and I wish I knew. My friend came over about a month ago and ended up throwing up and having to go home. This just brought back my fear and the next night I was TERRIFIED I was going to throw up because we shared a Mr pibb cause we didn’t know she was sick. I was so anxious I made my stomach hurt and when I tried to sleep that night, my heart just started pounding cause I was so scared. I still have this fear and I’m not sure why. I just keep thinking about how it hurts and it’s gross. I keep picturing me throwing up and it makes me want to gag. But, I do have advice for people who are like me and terrified of pukeing. Don’t worry about it because worrying doesn’t help with anything and it just makes stuff worse. About 85% of stuff we worry about doesn’t even happen. And think about this, throwing up hurts, but it only hurts for about 2 seconds then you normally feel better once it is out of your system. Also, instead of thinking about it being bad and gross, think about it being good. For example, throwing up is basically good for you because it gets all those germs out of your body and is fighting whatever you might have. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Have a blessed day/night.


Thanks. I was vomiting every 25 minutes or so for the last day now and this helped a bit. I would drink the smallest amount of water and I would still vomit because of something. It was a horrible feeling to try to sleep, then wake up and vomit in my bed. Thanks alot!


Who here because they are scared of throwing up


Anyone else stuck on the loo feeling nauseous and having diarrhea


This keeps happening to me episodically, once or twice every few months. I get extremely nauseous, cannot eat, am overrun with panic. Not sure what’s worse, the anxiety or the urge to vomit while hardly being able to drink water. I’m hoping this is dehydration and that I can fix it by staying ahead on water.


Avoid nauseating people!


Your a life saver


Need help with the burning? Gurgle baking soda and some water in the back of your throat, it will help neutralize the acid. I even put a little baking soda water in my nostrils with my finger if the acids came up through the nose. I used to be afraid of vomiting but it's better to just let it go, just submit, don't fight it. Try to angle yourself so your head isn't too upside down, more upright to keep the gunk out of your nose, hopefullly.


Does anyone else run to the toilet and just sit until the vomit comes out💀


Hi. I'm a 12 yr old girl who may be pregnant due to SA and I needed to search this up because I was randomly feeling extremely nauseous in the middle of the night. Any more tips on what could possibly help? If so, thank you.

Edit: Thank you all for helping out. I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I'm very happy for that, but I still live in fear because of what happened. Thank you again.


My brother had severe vomiting and lost a lot of weight and ended up in the hospital. They did a lot of tests with one of them being a nuclear medicine test which diagnosed him with gastroparesis which caused his vomiting episodes. So now he has to eat small meals throughout the day and take meds to help with mobility of intestinal tract. After a meal he has to make sure to walk around. Basically gastroparesis means you cannot digest your food adequately which causes vomiting. Special diet required as wel.


The dehydration that happens can be really serious.


I get headaches often that are so painful that it does in fact cause me to vomit, my solution has always been to take antibiotics and drink water because usually the headaches are from dehydration which happens a lot to me, I’ve been doing my absolute best to drink more water lately to reduce how often these headaches occur and it has been working really well lately so that’s nice