
Many Japanese aviation enthusiasts must be longing for this day. Once in a life time to see a Flanker in their home ground.


Il-78が見られなかったのはちょっと残念だけどSu-30の美麗なシルエットを拝めただけでも大満足^ ^


インド初の女性戦闘機パイロットは、日本との空中戦に参加するインド派遣団の一員です。  Sukhoi-30MKI 飛行隊長 Avni Chaturvedi は空中戦に参加するために日本に来ています。 これは、外国の地でインドの戦闘機隊を率いる女性の航空戦士の最初の例です。




Japan specially requested India to include its top-of-the-line Su-30MKI in the mock battles. Japan wants to learn how to defend against similar Sukhoi planes from China.. except Su-30MKI is much advanced.

Update: India already has performed several Air exercises with US and its western allies for many years so it knows F16 and other US aircraft well. This is purely advantageous to Japan, make no mistake. India is helping Japan to learn how to counter Sukhoi planes which China also owns. And also to improve defense ties with Japan. Remember, Japan, India, US and Australia are part of the QUAD. I need to make this clear because in Japan generally people are ignorant about India, have stereotypical thoughts and thus may have the wrong idea about India.




To be precise Su30MKI is Flanker-H.
And MKI in Russian stands for "Modernizirovannyi, Kommercheskiy, Indiski", which translates to Modernized, Commercial, Indian.
These aircrafts are completely built in India by HAL under license and is tailor made for Indian needs. i.e  Indian , french and Israeli weapons, avionics and subsystems are used in this. Which makes this perticular Flanker-H unique and advanced in the world.


Люблю самолеты! Люблю индийские песни и танцы! Но больше всего в мире люблю японские автомобили !😂👍❤️❤️❤️ Japan avto- super! ❤❤❤ Привет всем из сибири!




Long live India-Japan friendship!!




It's good India the 2nd largest user of C-17(total 11 aircrafts) globemaster in the world after the US sent it's C-17 rather than an IL 76 aircraft.


What an international view there -  an American Heavyweight plane (C-17 ) , A Russian super Fighter aircraft (Su30-MKI) Operated by Indian airforce  in Japan  with Japanese Air Force F-16.


The Su-30MKI is a beast.


As am American, I love to see this cooperation between Japan and India. Hope for more.


From India 🇮🇳💞🇮🇳, Japan 🗾 always special place in our heart ❤️💕❤️.


Hard to believe a jet this big can be so agile in the air.


The Sukhoi 30 MKI is an absolute beast. This combination of Russian, Israeli and French technology makes it absolutely one of a kind. The only thing it's missing is a few pure EW platforms in it's swarm. With good AWACS, it can be an absolute gamechanger, but India needs much more of these.


SU 30 MKI is beast perfect engineering marvel based on niche cooperation from Russia, WEST, India and Israel.
WEST and Russian tech used to craft customised warplane for India.
Thee are no country in the which enjoys this level of strategic autonomy.

