
This is a happy video that relieves stress from the comfortable and beautiful sounds of nature, the beautiful grass wind, and even the smell of flowers.  Thanks for uploading. Be healthy and happy today.


Very soothing. I listen to it most every night. Once I start the video, the next thing I know, it's morning and it's still playing. What a beautiful sound. This is helping so many people, I'm sure, with getting to sleep and staying asleep; peaceful rest. Truly, a blessing.


hi mate just a quick question where are you getting your videos from, I see that i own alot of the clips used by you

all the best!




Nice video 👍


Amazing Beauty….!!!!!…


the music make me fall to sleepppppppppppppppppppppppppppp


Honestly, I find the music in all the beautiful videos of nature in many countries is very annoying. I prefer just natural sound or ambient sound much better...waves, wind, animals vocalizing....I know the music is supposed to be soothing but I would rather, and do, mute it and listen to my musical choice or just leave silence....so i guess we could all be happy, but really if we  are flying over ICELAND, why not have Icelandic music to go with it. Norway, Norwegian folk music, etc.....


W sound


I like




امٌاتْْعلُمٌوَنَ يَارَفَاقً مٌأ آجْمٌلُ ُهذَُه ألُطِبّيَْعُه آلُجْمٌيَلُُه ُهيَ ُهذَآ آلُآرَضُ آلُطِيَبّ آنَُهآ صّنَْع آلُلُُه آلُْعزُيَزُ آلُحُكِيَمٌ آلٌُخلُآقً آلُْعلُيَمٌ آلُلُُه تْبّآرَكِ وَتْْعآلُى. نَْعمٌ/ ُهوَ آلُلُُه
(بّسِمٌ آلُلُُه آلُرَحُمٌنَ آلُرَحُيَمٌ ' آنَ رَبّكِمٌ آلُلُُه آلُذَيَ ٌخلُقً آلُسِمٌوَآتْ وَآلُآرَضُ فَيَ سِتُْه آيَآمٌ ثُمٌ آسِتْوَ ْعلُى آلُْعرَشِ, صّدِقً آلُلُُه آلُْعلُيَ آلُْعضُيَمٌ,وَصّدِقً وَبّلُغً رَسِوَلُُه آلُكِرَيَمٌ صّلُى آلُلُُه ْعلُيَُه وَسِلُمٌ)
(بّآ لُآ ألُُه إلُآ آلُلُُه ْعزُوَجْلُ وَآنَ مٌحُمٌدِ عبّدِ آلُلُُه وَرَسِوَلُُه)


Yes i stayed in island  1 one week    holidays  glaciar volacans is very diferent       i travel around  the Europa    sexi laydis  micha pasta


people who watched whole video



Ja miezkam w józefowie. I  I live in józ.efów


